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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:41
Menu creates a blank 'shadow' beneath itself
Poster: ian __at__
Dated: Wednesday February 21 2007 - 10:40:06 GMT
I have encoutered a problem that occurs with IE6, IE7 (although a bit different) but not FF - I can't test it with anything else at present.
The symptom is visible on the folowing web page: ... arTest.asp
I have trimmed this page down to the bare minimum - although it's an ASP page, there isn't any ASP in it. Also, the styles are embedded in the page so that it is completely self-contained, apart from the Milonic core scripts.
As you will see the 2 SELECTs are occluded by a white box which seems to be exactly the same size as the menu above them. There isn't anything in this box that I can detect.
In IE7, the box is still there because it prevents the SELECTs receiving a mouse click but it isn't occluding the display.
In FF the box is not there at all.
I have gone about as far as I can trying to narrow this problem down without diving into your JS code.
I have used your menu on several projects now and this is the first time I have encoutered anything as weird as this.
Any help appreciated.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday February 21 2007 - 22:55:43 GMT
This is going to have something to do with css and with the divs and the fact that the menu also has divs.
What you have to do is actually put the topmenu div right after the master one.
<div id='masterdiv'>
<div id='topmenu'>
menu </div
<div id='topmenu'>
menu </div
That takes care of that blank box.
That's sorted it!
Poster: ian __at__
Dated: Thursday February 22 2007 - 10:27:16 GMT
Thanks Ruth,
I've applied your suggestion to the real pages and it does indeed seem to cure the problem.
Under the current guidelines that using DIVs to structure web pages rather than tables is the preferred method, could this problem become more of an issue?
Is work going on to tackle these issues or are there any guidelines to help us position things so that they don't occur?
Bear in mind that accessibility guidelines tell us to put navigation features at the bottom of the page so that the 'real content' is at the top. Constraints such as this fly in the face of such guidelines.
Thanks again for your help.
