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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:40
Latest vertical menu version not working correct? [SOLVED]
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Monday February 26 2007 - 11:01:08 GMT
of version 5.770 plain text vertical menu, but it only worked once. After that the submenus didn't show anymore, so I replaced the new files with the old ones again.
Using Windows Xp Sp2, Firefox 2.
My site.
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday February 27 2007 - 15:21:38 GMT
Not exactly sure what you mean by 'after that'. However, using XP Pro/FF2.0.0.2 and navigating to many of your pages, the subs came up on the new pages every time.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday March 1 2007 - 10:22:54 GMT
Sounds like a caching problem.
Please ensure that all files are updated (milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js and mmenund4.js) and that you ensure that a full refresh has occured.
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Thursday March 1 2007 - 10:37:55 GMT
Thanks for the answers.
I believe there must be something wrong with my 'computer'.
Sometimes things, not only the Milonic menu, are working fine and other times they don't.
I installed the new files and the submenu's didn't show.
Reinstalled the old files; all worked well.
Installed the new files and again the submenus didn't show.
Reinstalled the old files and all worked well.
Installed the new files once again and ............. now all works fine.
I'm puzzled!!
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Thursday March 1 2007 - 14:10:59 GMT
Again it doesn't work the way it should.
If I open this and place the cursor on a menu item the submenu pops up correct (don't click on any of the submenus).
Now if I scroll down a bit and put the cursor on a menu item, the submenu pops up further down below.
If I scroll down to the bottom of the page, the submenus pop up outside the screen

If I scroll back to the top; they are correct again!
Refresh (F5) has no effect.
I'm using Windows XP sp2, Firefox or Mozilla 1.7.8., both browsers react the same, but Internet Explorer 6.0.2900. doesn't seem to have this problem.
Poster: John
Dated: Friday March 2 2007 - 20:04:06 GMT
pieter53 wrote:
I believe there must be something wrong with my 'computer'.
I think you're right!
Just went over your site again. As mentioned above, I'm not seeing any problems. The subs open every time.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday March 2 2007 - 20:07:42 GMT
It's the ignore collisions that is causing that. It may be something between that and the followscroll. I'll report it. But if you remove the ignoreCollisions=true; your problem will go away. Also, that doesn't go in the style, it is a global property and goes at the top where the subOffset are.
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Saturday March 3 2007 - 0:40:25 GMT
It's the ignore collisions that is causing that........
if you remove the ignoreCollisions=true; your problem will go away.
if you remove the ignoreCollisions=true; your problem will go away.
I have removed it and all seems to work fine!
Thanks again for your great help.
Milonoc not only offers the best menu you can get, it also offers you the best service!
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Sunday March 11 2007 - 14:40:18 GMT
I found some nice problem again.
Here you can see my menu. As far as I know it works wonderful!
Now here is the same menu again, but I added "orientation=horizontal" to the first item. (Don't use any of the links!)
As long as you don't scroll down the page it works fine, but when you scroll down the submenu's opens lower or even outside the screen.
Is there anything that can be done about it?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday March 12 2007 - 4:57:09 GMT
Well, it seems when you make that menu horizontal, and have it followscroll, then the overflow='scroll'; in the style area is causing the problem. I removed it from the different styles, then used it in that Index menu and it seemed to work OK. You'll have to test it on the OS and browsers you listed.
I've reported it to Milonic.
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Monday March 12 2007 - 10:38:48 GMT
You are right!
Thanks again!
If you move -overflow="scroll"- from the stylearea to the menuproperties, all works fine. (I just moved those from properties to styles

test page