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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:25
stylizing submenus
Poster: jaq
Dated: Wednesday December 12 2007 - 1:25:25 GMT
i got a queston is it possible only to stylize submenus lets say change the onbgcolor just for the submenus and not the main menu. and other item properties. if so is there a tutorial i can look at. thank you.
Re: stylizing submenus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday December 12 2007 - 6:34:18 GMT
There is a Beginner forum that has 3 posts on Styling the Menu. They are very simple explanations with images and such. I suggest you take a look at all of them. They are pretty short really. Once you understand about creating a style, look at the post about Using the copyOf method to create other styles to apply to other menus. Actually, this menu is designed so that if you wanted to [though it is a lot of work ] you could create 1 style for the main, and a different style for each submenu. The 3 you want are Part I, II, and III, not the css style, that gets a bit involved. There are a number of other help posts there also, borders in particular, which you can use to create some interesting styles