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Re: Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: christy
Dated: Wednesday January 2 2008 - 20:44:49 GMT

I tried using the top offset option and that did work for Explorer (6.5), but then like you said, the positioning is now off in FireFox. I would have posted a screenshot when I first posted this question, but I didn't see the tab for attachments the first time. Anyway, I have it attached below. Thanks for taking a look.

Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: christy
Dated: Thursday December 20 2007 - 22:37:23 GMT

Can anyone tell me what the parameter is that sets the space between the menu and submenus? I do not have this space except in one site (after I changed the "buildAfterLoad=true" param - only see space on IE) and the submenus are just a few pixels below the bottom of the menu, but I want them to touch. I've looked through the parameters, but I've obviously missed something. Any help will be appreciated.

Re: Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 21 2007 - 0:02:55 GMT


We would need to see the page. In a horizontal menu the submenus should open right below with no space, so we need the page to figure out what is causing that.


Re: Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: christy
Dated: Friday December 21 2007 - 15:35:12 GMT

Here is my code. I took out miscellaneous text from inside my divs. this is on a lotus notes form. Thank you for taking a look.

<div id="outside" name="outside" style="left:78px; width:846px; height:1202px; position:absolute; background-color:#0e0728;z-index:10; visibility:visible;">
<div id=links1>text here</div>
<div id=link2>text here</div>
<div id="headerMenuDiv"style="left:0px; top:16px;width:844px; height:100px; position:absolute; background-color:#0e0728;">

<table id=header align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td><img src="/header.jpg?openimageresource" width="846"></td></tr></table>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/twportal.nsf/milonic_src.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt type=text/javascript src=/twportal.nsf/mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt type=text/javascript src=/twportal.nsf/mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
{{<code for menu_data goes here...posting it below>}}
<div id="wrapper" style="background-color:#ffffff;border:0pt; visibility: visible; position: absolute;top:86; left:0px; width:846px; height:1200px;padding:0px;">
---other text here

------------------menu_data below - goes in lotus notes computed text---------------
StartScript:="<script type='text/javascript'>"+ __at__ NewLine;

Time1:="_menuCloseDelay=500; // The time delay for menus to remain visible on mouse out"+ __at__ NewLine;
Time2:=" _menuOpenDelay=500; // The time delay before menus open on mouse over"+ __at__ NewLine;
Time3:="_subOffsetTop=0; // Sub menu top offset"+ __at__ NewLine;
Time4:="_subOffsetLeft=0; // Sub menu left offset"+ __at__ NewLine;
extra:="buildAfterLoad=true"+ __at__ NewLine;

Time:= __at__ Trim( __at__ Implode(Time1:Time2:Time3:Time4:extra));

Param:="with(menuStyle=new mm_style()){ bordercolor='#000000'; borderstyle='solid'; borderwidth=1; fontfamily='Tahoma, Arial'; fontsize='10px'; fontstyle='normal'; headerbgcolor='#ffffff'; headercolor='#000000'; offbgcolor='#000000'; offcolor='#ffffff'; onbgcolor='#406792'; oncolor='#FFFFFF'; outfilter='Fade(duration=0.2)'; padding=3; pagebgcolor='#999999'; pagecolor='black'; separatorcolor='#27105e'; separatorsize=1; subimagepadding=2}";

pathvar := __at__ LeftBack( __at__ Subset( __at__ DbName;-1);"\\");

path:= __at__ If(pathvar="";"";"/" + pathvar);

REM{"nopath option for using db in a folder"};
REM{"----------------------------------------top=68; ------------"};

MainStyle:="with(milonic=new menuname('Main Menu')){alwaysvisible=1; itemwidth=80; itemheight=18;align='center'; orientation='horizontal'; style=menuStyle; position='relative';";

Main1:="aI('text=Home;url="+url+"/my.nsf/homepage?openpage;target=main_body;status=Home Page;');"; of menus go here.....

EndScript:="drawMenus(); </SCRIPT>"+ __at__ NewLine;

__at__ Implode(StartScript:Time:Param:MainMenu:otherMenus:EndScript)

Re: Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 21 2007 - 17:33:12 GMT


Well, what I did was take what you had posted and created a menu data file, adding 3 items to the main menu to open submenus and creating submenus. I'm assuming since you only have one style listed all the menus take that style. I then created an html page set up as you have the code posted. I cannot see any space between the bottom of the main menu and the top of the submenus that opened. I tested on IE6, Safari3.04 for pc and FF 1.5 which is an older version and they all render the same with the submenus right below the main. What browser has this issue, and can you give us a screenshot. You can try adding to each submenu top="offset=- whatever number of pixels you need, but that may make it shift up in browsers that don't have any problem placing it correctly.


Re: Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday January 3 2008 - 4:29:36 GMT

Hi Christy,

I'm sorry but somehow we are going to have to have the page. Isn't there anyway you can upload it to someplace on the web so we can get it and the files. Something is causing that on your page and I am not seeing it on the one I created in IE6 so I need your page to work on and see if I can find what's causing that. I never heard of 6.5 as far as it being a released version. I think they went to 7???


Re: Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: christy
Dated: Monday January 7 2008 - 19:52:37 GMT


You're right.I have IE6.0. I must have been thinking about something else when I wrote that.

I can't post my page because it is on a secure server. Do you have a Lotus Notes environment? I could probably send you the basic page in a .nsf file. If not, I'll keep playing with it and try to recreate it and see if I can make it work.


Re: Space between Menu and Submenu

Poster: christy
Dated: Monday January 7 2008 - 20:06:49 GMT

Actually, I think I'm on my way to figuring it out. I have another form that it is working on. So, I'll compare and contrast until I get it. THANK YOU!

Re: Space between Menu and Submenu - final

Poster: christy
Dated: Monday January 7 2008 - 20:32:28 GMT

I did get this fixed. I'm not really sure why it happens this way, but one of my div tags was showing up (z-index) on top of the main menu, but under the sub menus. It (div) was sitting too high on the page and it made it look like there was a 2 px gap between the menu and the submenu.

Again, thank you for your time and assistance.