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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:25

how to separe ai() information

Poster: elicend
Dated: Sunday December 9 2007 - 18:56:35 GMT

Hi !

in order to simplify updating of my menu, i made a small excel sheet wich generate all ai(); lines which contains menu informations and item.

Is it possible to separe in another file this informations, and to have, in the menudata.js file a line like "include file_ai.js" for exemple ?

Thanks by advance !

Re: how to separe ai() information

Poster: John
Dated: Monday December 10 2007 - 14:27:29 GMT

This is going to be a question for Andy.

However, IMHO, it sounds to me like you've made a lot of extra work for yourself. Also, I'm not sure how you're going to save an .xls format as a .js file.

Re: how to separe ai() information

Poster: elicend
Dated: Monday December 10 2007 - 19:06:20 GMT

well, it is really simple. Excel is able to create a txt file, and you call it as you want... with a .js for exemple ;)

it is working with macros ;)

Re: how to separe ai() information

Poster: John
Dated: Monday December 10 2007 - 19:11:19 GMT

Then if what you're generating is in the same format as a menu_data.js file, simply tack a .js on the end of the name, as you suggested, and use the normal menu call to bring it in. Do not use an include statement.

Re: how to separe ai() information

Poster: elicend
Dated: Monday December 10 2007 - 19:37:37 GMT

Hi !!

you're right !!
it is working, if in the second file, i put drawmenu(); at the end. If i let it in the first file, it doesn't work !

Thanks a lot for your help !


Re: how to separe ai() information

Poster: John
Dated: Monday December 10 2007 - 20:57:36 GMT

You're welcome. Glad to hear it's working.