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Combining Treemenu with horizontal menu on same page?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Thursday December 6 2007 - 17:55:07 GMT
I have reviewed the information online but am still not sure how to handle combining a vertical tree menu on the same page with a regular horizontal menu. I also do want to create a link to an external .js file for the hz menu...
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="../js/mainHzMenu/embedded_main_menu.js"></SCRIPT>
Just not sure how and where to link to the:
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
information, that I have placed in it's own folder.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Re: Combining Treemenu with horizontal menu on same page?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 6 2007 - 19:24:07 GMT
Hi Rip,
Since I'm working on your page, could you tell me where you want the regular menu so I can add it? It looks like it's going to be embedded in a table, so I'll need the placement. You posted the url for the main menu data but I'll need the submenu data file to go with it. If you are thinking of using the treemenu submenus, that you cannot do since they are set as type=tree;
I've pretty much got all the other issues figured and will reply in the other posts when I get it all done.
Re: Combining Treemenu with horizontal menu on same page?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Thursday December 6 2007 - 19:40:35 GMT
Hi Ruth;
I want the normal horizontal menu to be in the top table cell that has the transparent bg image over the earth image. In the code it's around line 49 here:
<td background="images/htmlImages/mainBody/mainBodyrtCopyArea/mainBodyrtCopyAreaR1-BG.png">
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="js/mainHzMenu/embedded_main_menu.js"></SCRIPT>
It would also be nice if I could set the BG of the text links also to transparent and I do seem to remember doing that in another Milonic menu some time ago. To do this don't I comment out the offbgcolor= setting?
Thanks so much for your help!
PS I was trying to embed it but I couldn't seem to get it to work.
Re: Combining Treemenu with horizontal menu on same page?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 6 2007 - 19:45:04 GMT
I still need the submenus for that table menu, and then if you give me maybe an hour, I'll have it all set up for you

Re: Combining Treemenu with horizontal menu on same page?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 6 2007 - 19:45:52 GMT
Well, I just realized there are no submenus

Re: Combining Treemenu with horizontal menu on same page?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 6 2007 - 19:47:51 GMT
Well, gosh, I still need the style info, that doesn't seem to be in that embed table file. So, can you just post what you want that menuStyle to be? I'll just copy and paste it.
Re: Combining Treemenu with horizontal menu on same page?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Thursday December 6 2007 - 20:06:18 GMT
Haven't really decided... just white text Arial ...sans... 11px transparent bg...
I will need to be able to change it in any event. I only need four links here:
Food Science & Technology
Search (..will need a search form field here... hope that is not an issue... if so I can deal with it outside the menu using CSS)
Is this answering your question? I hope so I'm not trying to be evasive but I'm also still getting a lot of feedback from my client and know it will have to change anyway.
If I can just get it working hopefully I can edit it...