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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31
Vertical menu maximum options allowed?
Poster: mattphisto
Dated: Tuesday August 7 2007 - 22:50:01 BST
Hi there,
I have the vertical menu installed and running fine across most of the site. Here's an example:
However, I'm adding three new menu options and when I do, the entire menu shifts down on the page. Here's an example of the problem: ... vices.html
The only things that changed are the three new menu options.
I'm stumped about what might be causing this. Is there a maximum number of lines allowed in a vertical main menu?
Thanks for any insight...
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 8 2007 - 4:55:40 BST
Which browser is this? I'm not seeing the menu shift down, I am seeing it get longer.
You have a couple of problems. 1st, since this is relative positioned and you have all the files called in the table, you need to add buildAfterLoad=true; up at the top section of the menu_data file. See the sticky in this forum for the relative positioned table/div info.
Also, you have overflow="scroll"; in the main menu. You need to remove that unless you're going to specify a menu height and item height. The table is not going to 'constrain' the length of the menu, the table will instead just expand to accomodate whatever stuff is in it.