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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30

tool tip for web page word

Poster: Jaco
Dated: Sunday August 26 2007 - 23:53:29 BST

Hello all, first thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

I am looking to make a special kind of tool tip. The tool tip would become active while mouse_over a word in a web page. The tool tip would contain a short definition and a link to another page for more information.

Any ideas on how to do this?


Jacques :)

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday August 27 2007 - 5:53:39 BST


You can use Milonic Tooltips, they work either in the menu or you can put them html page link. I have no idea how you'd put them on just a plain word.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Monday August 27 2007 - 8:20:37 BST

Nope, that's not quite what I am looking for. I want a tooltip yes, but I want the cursor to be able to enter the tooltip just like it enters a sub-menu so that I can have not only text but a link within the tooltip.

This is like a super tooltip that has text and an accessible link within the text.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday August 27 2007 - 19:08:01 BST


So, why not use a popup menu to do that? You could then just set the menu to type=html; and that will let you put an href link into the text of it.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Monday August 27 2007 - 20:45:21 BST

Hi Ruth, sounds good.

I am looking at the sample code for the popup menu it is based on opening the menu from an image

<img src="/images/transparent.gif" border="1" name="milonicmenu" id="milonicmenu">

If I want to open the menu from a link, should it be:

<a href="#" name="milonicmenu" id="milonicmenu">any text</a>



Poster: Jaco
Dated: Monday August 27 2007 - 22:43:20 BST

Ok, so I have tried this:

<a href=# onmouseover="popup('off-topic')" onmouseout="popdown()">centrifugal</a>

The 'off-topic' is a menu that is called in the main menu of the web page (

and it's not working. Probably something wrong with the way I call the menu????



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 28 2007 - 1:35:00 BST


No, it's because there are two ways to call a pop menu:

1. by a fixed position which means you have to put a top and left into the menu itself. Not an option for you.

2. by an image. This is an option and also allows you to control the menu a bit better.

Try this. You need a 1x1px transparent gif. Then that particular line where the menu is called would look like this

<P>If your starting from scratch or you want to review what you know, <A
target=_blank href="">check this out<IMG
height=42 src="tutorial.jpg" width=21 border=0></A> It will help you
understand how<img src=transparent.gif border=0 height=1 width=1 name=milonicmenu id=milonicmenu>
<a href=
onmouseover="popup('off-topic','milonicmenu',3,1)" onmouseout=popdown()>
centrifugal</A> pumps and pump systems

Note that what i did was put the transparent.gif right after the word how eliminating the space that was there originally. On my browser, that just looks like the space is still there, but it's really that transparent image. This is the only way I know for you to do what you want. The menu sample for that is

The sample has put a border around the transparent.gif so you can see it, but in yours I set that to 0 so it doesn't show.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Tuesday August 28 2007 - 2:18:34 BST

Thanks very much Ruth, I'll give that a try.



Poster: Jaco
Dated: Tuesday August 28 2007 - 4:31:43 BST

It's working great, thanks, check it out.

The only thing is that the html code with that code appears briefly at the top of the page as it loads.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 1:35:36 BST

Ruth, it seems that this technique works for only one tooltip per web page, the tooltip always opens at the same level as the first transparent image. I tried changing the image names with no success.

Check it out at

the 3 words with the tool tip are specific gravity, total head and siphon.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 1:38:38 BST

Also, my quick links menu on the same page does not seem to be working very well, I wonder if these things are related?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 2:23:04 BST


I suggest you put a different name and id on each image since that is what is used to pop the menus. If you look at menusample24.php which is the menu popped up using an image for placement example you'll see that each image is the same but the names and ids are different. For example:

<img src=/images/transparent.gif border=1 name=milonicmenu id=milonicmenu>
<a href=#
onmouseover="popup('milonic','milonicmenu')" onmouseout=popdown()><font size=3 color=green>Milonic</font></a>

<img src=/images/transparent.gif border=1 name=partnersmenu id=partnersmenu>
<a href=# onmouseover="popup('partners','partnersmenu')" onmouseout=popdown()><font size=3 color=green>Partners</font></a>

The first is milonicmenu, the second partnersmenu and so on.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 5:13:02 BST

Ruth, that's very helpful but there is still one tooltip "performance curves" that acting oddly, it is displaying far to the right.

Also the Quicklinks menu is behaving oddly in Firefox.



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 6:00:51 BST


1st, you need to make sure the name and id are the same, so if name is milonimenu, then id is milonicmenu.

2nd, the problem with the performance one I think has to do with where the transparent image is and that is probably going to depend on the browser resolution. So, at my resolution of 800x600, I get a scroll bar at the bottom of the browser and the pop menu is a little right starting at the middle of the word performance. When i move the scroll bar so the page goes to the left, then that pop menu goes farther right. That tells me that the transparent image is probably at the end of the previous line. Set it as border=1 to test. I think what you may have to do given you are writing in paragraphs and text will wrap depending on resolution and fontsize etc, you need to make a transparent image that is 1px high, but 2px wide and then put a space after the word pump just before the performance thing, and then the image and the word performance with no space between the image and the word performance. That's all I can think to do to keep them together.

3rd, as to the quick links, what exactly is the problem? I'm not seeing any problem. But, I did note that you have a Main Menu two different data files. You should name them differently.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 7:14:50 BST

Ruth, I am following all your suggestions, no.2 is proving difficult.

I renamed main Menu in the Quicklinks data file. The Quick links menu in Firefox does not open as soon as you scroll down.



Poster: Jaco
Dated: Thursday August 30 2007 - 1:51:28 BST

Hi Ruth, I am experiencing the same problem with the scrolling menu on other pages such as:

when you scroll down the page and try to open the menu it does not open in Firefox, it's OK in IE.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 30 2007 - 5:33:33 BST


That particular data file with the quick links main menu doesn't have the fixMozillaZIndex in it, set that to true and most likely FF will be fixed.


Poster: Jaco
Dated: Thursday August 30 2007 - 5:38:28 BST

Huuum, I don't remember putting that in, can you remind me please.

What is the code and where in the header should it be located?



Poster: Jaco
Dated: Thursday August 30 2007 - 6:30:23 BST

I got it.

