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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31

Scrolling leaves 'ghost' lines on webpage

Poster: jlambdin
Dated: Monday August 6 2007 - 16:08:35 BST

Since Monday 07/30/07, we have been getting reports of lines appearing on webpages after scrolling up/down a page. I got the lines to disappear just by clicking on the page but they returned once I scrolled again. If you close/reopen the browser, it will work fine for a while, but the lines will eventually start again. They do not cause any problems with the page; they are just annoying and make the page hard to read.

It is only happening intermittently and we cannot reproduce it on queue. We have noticed that it does seem to be related to PC resources in that it happens more often when there are more programs opened. We have not made any changes to the desktops, and we are not aware of any updates Microsoft might have pushed out Monday. While we do not think the menu is 'broken', we are wondering if there is a setting (like followscroll) that may be able to be tweaked to keep these lines from appearing.

Unfortunately, the website is not available outside our office to show you what's happening but I do have screenshots showing the issue that I can email. The examples are from my machine (Pentium 4 3.2GHz, 2GB RAM, Windows XP Pro, IE 7.0.5730.11). This menu is being used on a IBM Lotus Domino website and it is the latest version (5.777).

We have been tweaking followRate and followSpeed with a wide range of numbers to see if this helps, but it doesn't have any noticable effect on the menu. Shouldn't we see some change, especially if the number is way out of range than what you would normally use?

Any help, guidance or insight is appreciated.

Poster: John
Dated: Monday August 6 2007 - 19:30:22 BST

Is it only failing on IE7? If so, try a different browser as a test. Also, if you have any outfilter= and/or overfilter= items set try removing them.

I've been using followscroll for a long time and have never seen what you describe.