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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30
Safari Cache problem
Poster: msoden
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 18:00:32 BST
I am testing websites changes in Apple Safari 2.0.4 and have noticed that it wants to hold the cache even if you reload or empty cache. If you reboot the mac it works just fine. Here is an example.
Change link or text in the menu file. These changes do not reflect when testing locally or remotely. Yet using firefox or netscape the changes reflect right then. The file date and time have changed so it should cause an update in the browser. What am i missing?
Any light you can shed would be appreciated.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 20:50:55 BST
I don't know anything about Safari and the cache setup. I did a search and found this one post about cache and using some kind of enhancing tool
And, I also found one that seems more what you're problem is. This one has a lot of different I have the same thing, but if you read them all they give you 4 or 5 what might be causes and fixes. ... 47463.html
Other than that, unless someone with Safari happens to see this post here on Milonic, we have no way to help you, particular since it seems to be the browser not the menu.
Poster: msoden
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 21:19:34 BST
Thank you Ruth,
I am glad to see it is just not me. The problem is either Safari or the computer. As it occurs either locally or remotely. I will do some more research.
Poster: John
Dated: Friday August 24 2007 - 16:08:36 BST
Andy has noticed a number of problems with Safari 2.x for some time now. His numerous messages to Apple have gone un-noticed.
However, Safari 3 (I know - still beta) seems to have fixed a lot of what was wrong, although it still needs work. Just for fun, give it a try.
Also, when reloading your page hold down the Shift key at the same time. This forces a server pull and should get around any cache problems. Not meant to be a permanent fix, but might give us a better idea of what's happening.