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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30
Non-persistant click states
Poster: MartinSpeed
Dated: Tuesday August 21 2007 - 9:29:04 BST
Good Morning Milonic, i hope you are all good today.
I want my menu to have a clicked state to show what current menu item is being viewed. But i don't want this to persist.
I have menu
when the user clicks Shop, i want to change the background colour to show that the shop page is being viewed. But when i click Information, i want the shop item to revert back to it's unclicked state and have information in it's clicked state (as that is now the active menu item).
Any ideas on how to go about this. I have looked through the properties pages and assumed it would be something to do with the 'click' variables, but am not 100%.
Poster: mbremer
Dated: Wednesday August 22 2007 - 12:20:56 BST
If I look at the documentation:
Isn't clickbgcolor the style property you want?
Poster: MartinSpeed
Dated: Wednesday August 22 2007 - 14:56:36 BST
Unfortunately not.
I have four separate pages, which all have the same navigational menu.
If i am on home.html, i want the home menuitem background, font settings to be different to the others. Then if i click on the Information menuitem, this will load Information.html, where the information menuitem will have a different background colour and font settings and the home menuitem will have reverted back to it's default.
I understand i could do this with 4 separate menus. But the examples i have used here is just an example, my actual menu has alot more items and includes sub items, which means it would be involve too many separate menus, so this route isn't any option.
As suggested above, clickbgcolor only changes the background for flash, when the new page loads up it has reverted back to it's normal state.
Poster: MartinSpeed
Dated: Wednesday August 22 2007 - 15:00:55 BST
something like visitedcolor which only remembers the last click, and allows background colour, font styles and borders to be set.
Poster: mbremer
Dated: Wednesday August 22 2007 - 16:52:38 BST
I think these style attributes can also be set with a piece of javascript. So you load in each page the same menu, but apply in every page an extra piece of javascript that sets the appropriate style for a particular menu item.
The alternative is to set per page a stylesheet property (either inline or via a CSS file): ... amples.htm