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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30

Multiple menus of the same type on the same page

Poster: tvermaak
Dated: Wednesday August 15 2007 - 10:02:47 BST

Hi There

I inserted the horizontal menu at the top of my home page, I tried to insert it at the bottom of the page as a footer. The top menu displays but the menu at the bottom stretches the cell but does not display. I have the same problem for the vertical menu. I tried to insert the vertical menu on the left and it doesn't display but stretches the cell as if the menu is there. Can't understand why it would work at the top but not on the side or at the bottom. I tried renaming the files and references to the files in the code in case it has some sort of conflict. That didn't help either. Please help!!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 16 2007 - 0:42:04 BST


I can't help unless I have the page with the coding for all the menus you are putting on it and see why they are not showing. One thing you might check is that they do not have the same name, i.e. if you are using two 'main' menus, then you'd need something like main menu 1 and main menu 2 as names so the program knows there are actually two instances of the menu. Probably if they have the same name, only the first one 'read' is being shown.


Poster: tvermaak
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 15:33:50 BST

I hope I can explain this to u so u understand but here goes....

I want the Milonic DHTML vertical menu and the Milonic DHTML horizontal menu on the same page. I can get 1 to display at a time in the correct place. As soon as I add both to the page, it only displays the first one read, like u said. I renamed the menuname for each of the menus for the vertical menu, but this did not help.

To get an idea of my site

I use the Cold Fusion CFINCLUDE <CFINCLUDE template="javamenu.cfm> tag which puts any code in the included page directly into the local page. So I had

<CFINCLUDE template="javamenu.cfm> for horizontal menu
<CFINCLUDE template="javamenu2.cfm> for vertical menu

- javamenu1.cfm() is standard and is at top of page

- javamenu2.cfm (vertical menu)(left of page) looks like this....

<script type="text/javascript" src="vertmenu/milonic_src2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="vertmenu/mmenudom2.js"></script>
<!-- The next file contains your menu data, links and menu structure etc -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="vertmenu/menu_data2.js"></script>

If you look at the functionality of the top menu at the menus expand horizontally instead of down and the menu on the left does not display. There is definity some kind of conflict in the2 menus, even though the code sits in different folders.

I hope you can make heads or tails of this and aprreciate your help. If you need me to post all my code where can I post?

Poster: tvermaak
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 15:52:29 BST

In fact when the horizontal menu expands horizontally it even shows the submenus of the vertical menu.

I put a test in the vertical menu,and it shows under links in the horizontal menu eventhough I renamed the menu names.

with(milonic=new menuname("test")){

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 15:56:41 BST

I see a few things (from the code that I can see) that are wrong.

1. You're not set up properly for using the menu in a td. See for instructions.

2. Do not call the menu code files more than once per page. You're calling them for each menu you have on the page.

3. See install.html in the docs folder for the new call structure. I put mine in a file and use cfinclude as you did - <cfinclude template="/sai/templates/Nav_Standard.cfm">.

Get the first 2 items fixed and see what happens. If we need your code posted it goes right here. Just use the code tag available on the post page.

Poster: tvermaak
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 15:57:42 BST

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu2")){

do I possibly have to rename the 'milonic' part of the above code in order to rename the menu????


with(menu2=new menuname("Main Menu2")){

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 16:05:15 BST


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 23 2007 - 21:03:59 BST


This is a proprietary product, you cannot 'edit' the program files. The only user editable file is the menu_data file. I did get it to work but I am getting an error in all browsers because of the change made in the milonic_src.js file. Please download the file again and use it as created. If you want the milonic link to be removed from the menu, then add a visible link back to Milonic on the page where the menu appears or you can purchase a professional or above license and it will be removed automatically.


Poster: John
Dated: Friday August 24 2007 - 15:56:12 BST

Ruth is absolutely correct. Any mods made to the menu code files lose all support here in the forum. Let us know when you have "the real" code reloaded (or not), and we can continue with your problem.

Personally, I have no tolerance for users messing with the menu code. There is absolutely no reason to do so.

Keep in mind, I do not work for Milonic.