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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30
Poster: guythomas
Dated: Tuesday August 28 2007 - 11:32:00 BST
Do you have any examples of imageborderwidth?
What I am looking for is actual working examples which demonstrate the values making a difference.
P.S. What is the latest version of Milonic, and where can I get a copy?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 28 2007 - 20:24:01 BST
This will give you info on versions
and you can download an evaluation version from that link. If you have a licensed menu then you need to be logged in on the main site under your registered name for the license and it will give you a copy of your licensed version of the newest one.
As to the imageborderwidth, there is no specific example for things like that style stuff, there's be hundreds of menus if we tried to do all of that, however when you download the menu, open the menu data file and add image=arrow;imageborderwidth=2; to the Home item. You'll see the border go around the image. I just suggest the arrow because it is the image included in the download and used as the subimage.
PS. Guy do you need the images that come with the sample you have done without the borders around them? I can make them like that if you need them.
original blue square:
without border:
Problem with CSS and Milonic
Poster: guythomas
Dated: Tuesday August 28 2007 - 21:30:42 BST
Dear Ruth
I now understand the problem.
There seems no way that Milonic can OVERRIDE the html IMG tag if it's declared explicitly set in the xyz.css file
css file declaration
border: 2px solid black;
There is no way that imageborderwidth=0; can override the above configuration.
However, and this is a big however,
If Img is NOT declared in the css, then imageborderwidth works in the ways that you have been suggesting all along.
To amplify the point, I want all the non-milonic images to have a border: 2px.
And I want none of the Milonic images to have a border (border:0;)
This is not possible by using imageborderwidth in any configuration that I know.
I do thank you again for sticking with this problem, at least I know what does and what does not work.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 2:15:50 BST
I do know how you can do it but you will need to create an id in the css rather than using the generic IMG tag
If you created the following id and then assigned it to your images, it would not apply to the images in the menu.
#imgbrd{border:2px solid red}
<img src="whateverimage.gif" width="18" height="17" id='imgbrd'>
I'm not sure if you can reverse that, that is assign the id to the menu. I know you can do classes but not sure about css ids
The reason it is happening is because its a generic css code, rather than a class.
Poster: guythomas
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 8:48:14 BST
Dear Ruth
Thanks for trying. However ;id=imgbed; does not work
aI("showmenu=Guy;id=imgbed;image=;text=Guy's Top 10 Jokes;url=../../humor/jokes/guys.htm"); least on my site / system.
#imbed {
border: 2px solid red;
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 16:59:00 BST
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear on this. It's the other way around. The problem is that you are using the generic IMG in the css so it will apply to all images, even those in the menu. So, as you noted even if you used a class in the menu, that generic IMG{ took precedence. To avoid that, you create the id and apply that id to the images on the page, or I guess you could use a class to do it, also. I will post the issue to Milonic, maybe there is a way I don't know.
Poster: guythomas
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 17:40:52 BST
Dear Ruth
We are now in synch.
Generic css img code = milonic
Custom class for my page images.
While that is the only solution, it's unacceptable because I will have to change all 500 images by hand.
Let us hope that Milonic bring out a patch.
Let me be clear, you Ruth have done a wonderful job of answering my questions, I certainly don't want to shoot the messenger!