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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30

Horizontal alignment problems. Desperate help needed!

Poster: dannywalsh
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 8:14:09 BST

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to this menu bar, but my first impressions are that it's fantastic.

However, I'm almost tearing my hair out trying to get it to align correctly in both IE7 and FF2.

I'm at the point now where in FF2, the menu bar does not move and is exactly where I want it. There is a search button on the far right that also pops up a long search bar that should span the width of the menu bar. However, when the browser is resized, the search bar goes out of alignment.

Secondly, the alignment in IE7 is a mess. If you resize the browser, the menu bar "slides" across the page. Also, depending on the size/shape of the browser when the page is rendered, the menu bar will appear in a different place and slide accordingly.

I've tried searching the forums for an answer, but nothing I can find seems to really get at what's going on here for my specific problem. (Or maybe I'm just having a dumb moment :()

You can see what I'm talking about here:

Any help at all would be hugely appreciated! :D

EDIT: Another problem I've stumbled onto is that the menu is active and "on top" when I click on a product image. The images are displayed using Lightbox, however the menu is supposed to be blacked out like the rest of the page. You can see what I'm on about here:

Just click on the product image and you'll see what I mean.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 17:13:55 BST


The lightbox issue has been solved. It has to do with assigning a z-index as explained here. ... 2201#42201

I can't do much with the other until you get me a page. I can't download your to work on because it refuses to save.


Poster: dannywalsh
Dated: Thursday August 30 2007 - 3:24:29 BST

Ruth wrote:
I can't do much with the other until you get me a page. I can't download your to work on because it refuses to save.

Here we go:

Hopefully everything you need to help me out is there. Otherwise, please let me know if you need more information.