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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31

Highlight mainmenu when on suppage

Poster: Thrane
Dated: Sunday August 5 2007 - 10:26:52 BST


I've tried searching for a solution, but no luck.

Is it possible to hightlight the item on the main menu, when I'm on the subpage to that item?

My main menu contains these items:
Home - Download - Info

Home and Info has no subitems, downloads has:
Search - Categories

When I click Search I go to the searchpage and the Item Search is highlighted in my menu according to the manual, but not Downloads?

How can I make the mainmenu items be highlighted, when a subitem to it is clicked?

Hope it makes sense...


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday August 6 2007 - 2:46:58 BST


Are you using the page properties in the style for that main menu? If you are and it's not showing, I need to see your page.


Poster: Thrane
Dated: Monday August 6 2007 - 5:47:20 BST

I'm using "pagematch":

aI("text=  Forum  ;url=/forum;showmenu=Forum; pagematch=/forum/active_topics.asp;pagematch=/forum/my_topics.asp; pagematch=/forum/search_form.asp;pagematch=/forum/search.asp; pagematch=/forum/my_topics.asp;pagematch=/forum/active_topics.asp;pagematch=/forum/empty_topics.asp;");

But it's only working on some of the submenus...
Is there af limit?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 7 2007 - 4:52:15 BST


Try just setting the pagematch to /forum/ That should show a match to any page under that forum subfolder.

This is kind of hard to do from just a post here. It would be much easier if I could see your page and click on the links and see what's going on.


Poster: Thrane
Dated: Tuesday August 7 2007 - 6:48:26 BST

I know it would be easier, but I'm working on a closed site.

But the the /forum/ did the trick!