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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:29

bread crumbs (page matching) over (regular) frames

Poster: luisraposo
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 15:13:37 BST


I have two frames, one for the main menu, other for contents and sub-menus: followed guidelines from, and split the menus in two files.

To highlight menu items I'm following the advise on
I added the same code on both menu-data files.

This works good for sub-menus, but the main menu option does not get highlighted.

I would appreciate your help to guide me,

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 17:19:33 BST


I don't think that is possible. The reason it works on the subs is they are all in the same frame. But, the main and subs are in different frames and aren't really the same 'menu' There's special programming that gets your menu in one frame to talk to your menu in the other one as far as opening and closing, note the offfunction and onfunction coding in the main menu where there is nothing like that in the subs.

There is a module for pagehighlighting.

It's down at the bottom area called Page Highlighting Module.


Poster: luisraposo
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 19:11:24 BST

thanks Ruth,

I had also gone through without success

please note that both links at ... /index.htm ... and are not working :(

Could you provide me the script?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 19:39:40 BST


I don't know what you mean by are not working. I just went to ... /index.htm

and clicked on the number 3. ) Using a menu item's clickfunction property

The demo page does the highlighting just fine. The color changes from mint green to bright orange when each item is clicked. Each item is coded for use of one of the 3 methods to do the highlighting.


Poster: luisraposo
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 19:51:56 BST

sorry Ruth,

maybe I didn't explain well: the file links at the very bottom of the page, with the examples, are not working, I can not download them :?

thanks for all your help,

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 29 2007 - 20:05:39 BST

:oops: It would help if I spelled the words correctly in the url.

Try it now, it should work fine.


Poster: luisraposo
Dated: Thursday August 30 2007 - 20:15:36 BST


I don't think that is possible. The reason it works on the subs is they are all in the same frame. But, the main and subs are in different frames and aren't really the same 'menu' There's special programming that gets your menu in one frame to talk to your menu in the other one as far as opening and closing, note the offfunction and onfunction coding in the main menu where there is nothing like that in the subs.

There is a module for pagehighlighting.

It's down at the bottom area called Page Highlighting Module.


the links are OK now Ruth, thanks :D

but the problem remains:
- the page highlight works good only on sub-menus, I am not able to highlight a main menu option (on a different frame), from a sub-menu option
- more, a second manual highlight does not remove the first highlight; the same happens using the "highlightme()" - this works fine with the breadCrumbs

it seems this story does not have an happy ending.. :(

anyhow, thanks a lot for all your efforts ;)


Poster: luisraposo
Dated: Thursday September 6 2007 - 18:03:56 BST

hello again,

On the meantime I've tried to use iframes, but I get a script error and can not load the page in the frame.
The error is the same as in the example when I click
"Test 1" - "test 1.1" - "Load page in IFRAME"
Line: 29
Char: 5
Error: '_mi[...]' is null or not an object
Code: 0

I am using Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180 on Win XP SP2

What may be wrong?


Re: bread crumbs (page matching) over (regular) frames

Poster: luisraposo
Dated: Saturday September 15 2007 - 19:17:32 BST

hello there,

any news on this subject?


Re: bread crumbs (page matching) over (regular) frames

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday September 16 2007 - 5:46:22 BST


I'm sorry, I thought I emailed you.... Dang old age is a pain!

You need to contact Milonic about what's happening. I have notified them of the problem in the demos. As to the other, since I am not a programmer, I really don't know what part of the code needs to be tweeked or modified or if it can even be done to do what you want. I have a feeling that due to the frames this is not going to work. Any of the things except the one for page highlighting for iframes [when it's fixed] are not going to work backwards, i.e. change the main menu when a submenu item is clicked. There is no backwards communication since in reality the 'main' and the so-called 'subs' are not really one menu but two different ones situated on different pages.


Re: bread crumbs (page matching) over (regular) frames

Poster: luisraposo
Dated: Sunday September 16 2007 - 12:13:52 BST

hi Ruth,

Bad excuse, I don't think anyone gets old in California's sunshine ;)
Don't worry, I was just wondering, since I am still working on this..

Thanks for your help, and for pushing the iframes issue to the development team.

kind regards,