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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:36
clickable link on dropdowmenu
Poster: sante140
Dated: Wednesday April 25 2007 - 12:09:25 BST
Hello , i really hope somebody can help me.
I have this menu in javascript, the dropdown under the imagebuttons are clickable, so have links to pages or whatever.
But i also want the buttons himself to have a link.
But when I change the whole think, dropdown does not work, because of the # think in.
This is the code i am using:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="3%" rowspan="2">
<div><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/pixel.gif" width="100%" height="5"></div>
<a href="index.php"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/koop_logo.jpg" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a><div><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/pixel.gif" width="100%" height="5"></div>
<td width="96%" valign="top"><div id="shademenu" class="shadetabs">
<ul><a href="index.php"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_home.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="icall.php?icallok=2" rel="dropmenu_buy"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_buy.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu_sell"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_sell.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu3"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_my_koop.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu_community"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_community.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu5"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_stores.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu6"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_classifieds.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu6"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_want_it_now.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu_help"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_help.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a>
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<script type="text/javascript">
//tabdropdown.initializetabmenu("tab_menu_id", optional_selected_tab_number)
//ie: tabdropdown.initializetabmenu("tab_menu_id", 2)
<td width="3%" rowspan="2">
<div><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/pixel.gif" width="100%" height="5"></div>
<a href="index.php"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/koop_logo.jpg" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a><div><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/pixel.gif" width="100%" height="5"></div>
<td width="96%" valign="top"><div id="shademenu" class="shadetabs">
<ul><a href="index.php"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_home.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="icall.php?icallok=2" rel="dropmenu_buy"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_buy.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu_sell"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_sell.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu3"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_my_koop.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu_community"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_community.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu5"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_stores.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu6"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_classifieds.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu6"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_want_it_now.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a><a href="#" rel="dropmenu_help"><img src="<?=$path;?>themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/top_menu_help.jpg" border="0" align="texttop"></a>
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<script type="text/javascript">
//tabdropdown.initializetabmenu("tab_menu_id", optional_selected_tab_number)
//ie: tabdropdown.initializetabmenu("tab_menu_id", 2)
now the index is a link , but i also want the other images to be a link on his own.
Any suggestions?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday April 25 2007 - 23:46:11 BST
Sorry, but this forum is limited to support for the Milonic dhtml javascript menu. It's a particular menu program and we really wouldn't know how to 'fix' your menu.
Poster: sante140
Dated: Thursday April 26 2007 - 0:16:23 BST
f you can give me an example with your menu, i could use that of course.
I am really not interested in the one i am using right now, but want to use my own images for the buttons.
I you can me a quote on that, i would be really pleased
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday April 26 2007 - 5:51:24 BST
Well, the Milonic menu is highly configurable. You can use whatever images you want. You can see an examples. The two below have images, one is background images with text in the item, the other is images with text in the item. But, you can create your own images with text on them. Below those samples are some links to sites using the Milonic menu. At the bottom is a link to the main site where you can download an evalutation copy of the menu to test.
If you have any questions on how to set it up with your images, we'll need to see your page as it is now so we can give you that information.
************************* this has blue tab looking images
This one had two menus, one at top and one at the left. These use text and images plus borders.
Here's Milonic's main site. If you want to look at more samples, mouseover the DHTML Menu tab and down to Menu Samples. There are a lot of them.