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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:54

Multiple Links on a line using the Vertical Menu

Poster: pakaymc
Dated: Monday September 25 2006 - 12:41:10 BST

Is it possible to have two links on the same line while using the Vertical menu? As an example

| Home | Logoff |..............Two Links
| Contact US |..............One link
| Links |..............One link
| FAQ | Support |..............Two links

I realize this may not be the best representation of a menu but you should be able to understand my request. I have this design at I plan on replacing my current menu with the Milonic menu.

Michael Pakay
pakaymc __at__

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday September 29 2006 - 15:23:16 BST


You can put more than one link into an item by using the 'usual' link forumula and setting the item as type=html. As an example you're top line would be as follows, please note the single quotes, no double quotes in the aI string:

aI("text=<A target=main href=''>HOME</a>....<A target=main href='logoff.php'>Log Off</a>;type=html;");

This would be all on one line. The reason for the ... is because you can't use the non-breaking line space to make space between the items or only the first item will show on the line.

There are also other ways to set it up, using the frames version and submenus which look like they open over the main page, using divides which will divide the menu into columns. Is there some particular reason not to use submenus?

You can see the frames setup at the frames demo

This contains two menus, one at the top and one at the side but you only have to use one.

Hope this helps.


Poster: pakaymc
Dated: Friday September 29 2006 - 20:56:26 BST

Thank you Ruth. I will test this code over the weekend to see the results.
