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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:55
IE submenu offset problem
Poster: stevvi
Dated: Tuesday September 5 2006 - 21:15:10 BST
Please can you take a look at:
In Opera (Win) and Firefox (Win) the drop downs appear in the right place but in IE they are way over to the right.
Obviously I can supply any code you need (just ask) to sort this out so please, please help.
Many thanx.
Poster: stevvi
Dated: Tuesday September 5 2006 - 21:20:44 BST
Apologies, it appears to be wrog in Opera too.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday September 6 2006 - 0:05:27 BST
Do you want the menu in the div or do you want it to followscroll?
If it's in the div it will not followscroll since it's in the div. You haven't put it in the div correctly which is what is causing the problem I believe, I can't test right now because I'm transfering settings so I can't change from 800x600 until that is complete.
Let me know how you want it and I'll try to set it up for you when I get this done.
Poster: stevvi
Dated: Wednesday September 6 2006 - 6:26:21 BST
Hi Ruth,
Many thnks for the swift reply.
I would like it positioned where it is and have it follow scroll. If it can't be in a div then how do I position it?
Out of curiosity, other than plonking the code in a div tag (which is what I've done), what is the correct way to use the menu in a div?
Tanks again.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday September 6 2006 - 7:10:20 BST
It is the same way you put it in a table, using position="relative"; and putting the main menu into a separate main_data.js file with a drawMenus(); at the end, just like the menu_data.js file. So, you'd have two files, one with the styles and submenus, and one with the main menu only. Then you call the menu program files and the menu_data.js file the first thing after the body tag, and you call the main_data.js file in the div.
That was the original way, there is another way now that can be used, it uses buildAfterLoad=true; up at the top of the data file, and it calls the drawMenus(); inside script tags in the div. The difficulty here is that the menu will not load until the whole page is loaded.
Finally, if you want it to scroll down, then you need to position it using the top=x; and I suggest, since your site seems to center, screenposition="center": This should make the menu always centered on the page, and down however many pixels you set the top as.
Hope this helps.