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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:55
IE: onresize: menu problem
Poster: ads
Dated: Monday September 4 2006 - 11:09:17 BST
Hi guys!
well, i have a weird problem with my milonic menu and hope someone can help me ^^
menu version: 5.756
on my wesite:
when you resize window, the menu moves and stay in it's initial window position,i mean...if you resize your window, it should move too...but that's not the case...

it's quite hard to explain the problem since my english is not that good...
test by yourself on this webpage please ^^
note: the problem is only on IE...firefox seems ok, and don't have javascript errors.
i tried to call the "drawMenus()" fonction when a "onresize" is trapped but...seems not working....

sorry to bother and thanks in advance for any kind of help ^^
Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday September 4 2006 - 12:18:24 BST
Try embedding the main menu inside a table cell - this means that it will be relative to other HTML objects and should re-size much more accurate.
There is a document here that describes how to do it: