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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:56
Dual menus on one page get mixed up
Poster: canie
Dated: Friday September 1 2006 - 2:45:41 BST
I'm using 2 menus on one page - when they load, the first menu that has Home in it (instead of Milonic) changes to the name in the second menu on the page - the link is correct, but the text in the first menu becomes what is on the second menu.
Is there some setting to change so this confusion doesn't occur?
- More noticed
Poster: canie
Dated: Friday September 1 2006 - 2:48:23 BST
Also, the menu items on the first menu get highlighted, not the ones on the second menu when you are selecting off the second menu..
So Sorry - fixed now..
Poster: canie
Dated: Friday September 1 2006 - 2:56:03 BST
So sorry - I had all 3 script lines repeated where I only needed the last one with the new menu otems..
problem solved! (I do love this menu!)