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Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:55
Bgcolor gets stuck when clicked on
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Monday September 4 2006 - 14:09:22 BST
I have 2 menus, one with sub menus and another without.
When at the one with submenus, every time when a new mainitem is clicked, the color changes to clickbgimage. Thats fine.
When a new mainitem is clicked the highligthed one changes back to offbgcolor. Thats fine too.
When at the one without submenus, every time when a new item is clicked, the color changes to clickbgimage. Thats fine.
When a new mainitem is clicked the highligthed one DOESNT change back to offbgcolor.
The singleMasterMenu=true in both files
Any ideas?
Must be a tricky one.
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Thursday September 7 2006 - 13:19:19 BST
No answers. this must be real tricky to solve.
Maybe I just have to give up on this.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday September 7 2006 - 17:54:49 BST
I've been checking it, but not getting anywhere yet. Try the newest version of the menu and see if that fixes the problem. In the meantime I'll keep at it.
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday September 7 2006 - 17:56:26 BST
Note the newest version is 5.757, just released a few hours ago.
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Friday September 8 2006 - 8:20:01 BST
I have just uploaded v5.758 but there is no difference.
However. The problem above could perhaps be released since we have decided to use pictures instead of a one color background.
BUT, there is always a but. I am not all happy with the behavior right now. I would like to have the clicked menuitem with picture still loaded until I click on something else. Exakt the same behavior as in
Please compare it with the menu on the main site. chose the topmenu option "Produkter och Tjänster" wich means Products and services.
I know it should work since in the collapsible tree menu example at Milonic it works in exactly that way.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday September 8 2006 - 17:40:25 BST
I must be lost here, I can't find a Milonic Menu on the main site, nor any coding for Milonic on that top_menu_sv page.
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 8:27:29 BST
There are 2 Milonic Menus on this site.
The first one shows up if you click on "Om Cool Engieneering" on the top menu. The path for this menu is:
The second on shows if you click on "Produkter & Tjänster" on the top menu. The path for this menu is:
./sv_files/index_produkter_sv_files/left_menu_produkter_sv.htm and
All the other menufiles are located at:
The top menu controls which Milonic menu that should be opened
Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 9:53:20 BST
Just to let you know that I have found the problem and I'm now working on a fix.
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 10:01:43 BST
That sounds great!
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 10:04:16 BST
I'm not really sure I understand what you want. Do you want the image you see when you mouseover the menu to remain when you click on an item, so that image will be visible until you click on another item, and then it would go back to just text?
If that is the case, this is what you need to do. Create another image the same size as the left_menu_btn_2.jpg, but make it a gif and save it as transprarent, as an example, name it bg.gif, then code your file like this
This means when you first go there, you see the plain text, when you mouseover you see the left_menu_btn_2.jpg background and when you click you see that and it stays that until you click another item.
I think Andy was speaking about the click bgcolor problem.
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 10:33:16 BST
Your discription is exactly what I want.
But I have already tried this but I used a white button (also gif) instead of a transparent. However, I had to try with a transparent one as well but there is no difference.
As soon as I move the mouse (mouseout) from a particular button, the background is changed back to what is defined in bgimage. I dont have to click on something else for the background to change.
I have just tried this locally so the files on the server are not updated.
Andy (a teammember) wrote he had found something and was working on it earlier in this topic.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 12:04:24 BST
The image will not 'remain' with just mouseover. You would have to click the item to get the clickbgimage -which is the same as your mouseover bgimage - to remain until you clicked some other item.
I just tested in IE, FF and NN and it works, I mouseover and the silvery-blue bg appears, I mouse off and it goes back to text only, and I click and it changes to that silvery bg and stays that way until I click something else.
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 12:27:31 BST
I know I have to click on the button before clickimage becomes activated.
I must have explained me poorly. Sorry.
But the behavior that you have is exactly how I want it to appear.
I have tried this with both IE6 and Opera9 and the behavior is this:
Before starting = white,transparent button/no background OK
Mouseon = faded background OK
Click a button = still faded button OK
Mouseoff = white,transparent button/no background Not OK should still be activated
Click a new button = faded background OK
This is very strange. I hade to try another computer at the office just to make sure.
But it looks as described above.
On the other hand, it is nice that it works for others as I want but sad I dont know why.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 12:58:22 BST
I just went and downloaded your collapse_data.js file again. It's the same as you originally had.
//bgimage="../../pics/menu/left_meny_btn_2.jpg"; //left_meny_btn_white.gif
This is where you need to change and put in the new transparent image as bgimage, and then the rest as they are.
Poster: Fredrik Johansson
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 13:18:09 BST
I tried to tell you before that I have tried this locally on my HDD.
But now I have uploaded a changed file to the server as well.
I created a transparent file with the same size as the other file.
And this just doesn´t seem to work.
I still dont get the clickbackground to remain until I click on something else.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday September 11 2006 - 13:26:35 BST
Now, I have the same problem that you do. That is strange, it seems to work if all the files are in the same folder on my desktop. I wonder if it would work if you put the images in the folder with the data file? It seems strange since the clicksubimage seems to work fine.
Hopefully, Andy has narrowed the problem.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday October 20 2006 - 17:09:47 BST
Just following this one up - I know I said I found the problem and would get a fix put together but cannot remember if I did or not.
Do I still need to do anything with this issue?
-- Andy
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 20 2006 - 18:09:19 BST
Hi Andy,
I don't have the files anymore, but when I checked at the site it seems to be working fine in the collapsible menu. Then click on the Produkter & Tjänster. The collapse menu appears at the left.
If he is talking about the top menu, as far as I can tell that is not a Milonic menu and so the program won't 'fix' that.
This is still needed to be worked on
Poster: rjmjr9
Dated: Tuesday December 12 2006 - 17:59:48 GMT
I need this behavior also. Has anything been done to fix this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 12 2006 - 18:09:40 GMT
We need a page to see what's going on with yours.
Poster: rjmjr9
Dated: Tuesday December 12 2006 - 21:59:15 GMT
The opening page and section has the tree mnu that has the clickbgimage and clickcolor values set. As you can see they are not working as the original poster described. Thats what I also need.