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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:51

Wildcard on 'pagematch' property

Poster: camp
Dated: Friday October 13 2006 - 20:35:06 BST

Is there a wildcard that can be set for the pagematch property? For example, say I have a page with a URL of /directory/defaultpage/ that is a menu item 'Directory', when that page is loaded the menu item 'Directory' is selected. Now, I want to load a page /directory/defaultpage/page1.html or /directory/defaultpage/page2.html, etc... I want the menu item 'Directory' to still be selected. If I can set the value of pagematch to something like /directory/defaultpage/* then all sub files or directories would trigger 'Directory' to be selected. Make sense? Please advise.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday October 14 2006 - 21:09:04 BST


You can use pagematch for folders rather than pages. For example if you had the following

aI("text=News & Events;url=/aboutus/newsevents/index.shtml;pagematch=/aboutus/newsevents/;");

Using this means any page in the /aboutus/newsevents/ will keep the page match, even if you go to a page from a link on that index page the menu will still keep the page match as long as that linked page is in that directory.

Also, in the newest update 5.759 a new property has been added, or rather ability. You can now declare multiple pagematches by declaring the page match to multiple pages just as you would for 1 page, just separate the pages by commas.

Hope this helps.


Poster: camp
Dated: Monday October 16 2006 - 1:04:06 BST

Perfect, works as you describe. I was so busy trying different wildcard characters that I never tried just the folder. Thanks for the help.