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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:52

Positioning Vertical Menus

Poster: redwards
Dated: Thursday October 12 2006 - 16:00:49 BST

I admit, I'm new. But I've tried everything I can think of and have studied the examples.

I'm trying to position a vertical menu (Right to Left Openstyle).
My test page is at

The original file is at

I can't move the menu down to where I need it. Here is a snipit of the menu_data.js file


Thanks for any help

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 12 2006 - 20:51:03 BST


I'm not sure what you want here, but you have two top= defined in the main menu, so remove the top=10 from that. However, if you want it to look the same as you have now the best bet is to put it into the table.

EDIT: Link removed

Hope this helps.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday October 16 2006 - 6:19:34 BST


I forgot to mention I needed to know when you were done with what I posted so I can remove it from my site. Sorry.
