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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:50

Menu jumping down page

Poster: PeteTheBloke
Dated: Monday October 23 2006 - 12:13:37 BST

At the menu has decided to start jumping down the page. This wasn't happening last week.

The menu is generated with PHP.

Any ideas any one?

Poster: John
Dated: Monday October 23 2006 - 15:34:19 BST

Try upgrading to the current version (you need to do that for support, anyway). v5.760.

Let us know.

Poster: PeteTheBloke
Dated: Monday October 23 2006 - 22:40:48 BST

I'll try. I got the menu system working with the trial download and was confronted with a huge list of options when I paid. I didn't know which menu I wanted and I didn't want to start from scratch so I just put in a hidden Milonic link in order to make the forced link go away! A bit lazy, but I'm sure I'm not the first.

UPDATE: I've installed Version 5.760 and the menu still gets chased down the page by the mouse. Any help appreciated.

ANOTHER UPDATE: I've worked out that it only jumps down the page when the mouse event is to do with the first menu item i.e. where MILONIC would come up in the demo version. Have a look at to see it going in Firefox and IE.

Poster: PeteTheBloke
Dated: Tuesday October 24 2006 - 0:17:27 BST


Panic over.

The bl00dy eejits (otherwise known as clients - I hope this isn't public) had used their CMS pages to make the main menu a sub menu of the main menu!

I don't know... the things users come up with to foul our most carefully laid plans! :x

Thanks for your help.


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday October 24 2006 - 15:12:27 BST

Ain't clients fun :?:

Regardless, glad you got it fixed.