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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:53
Issue with Vertical position of the popupmenu in <span>
Poster: harneet
Dated: Wednesday October 4 2006 - 5:43:21 BST
We have a problem with the vertical alignment of the popup menu. The pop up menu is displayed a few levels below the actual position.
Our menu is displayed on click of an image which is placed inside <span> tags.
However, if placed inside <tr><td> tags instead of span, it starts appearing at the correct position. Its difficult for us to change our UI fully from <span> tags to <td > tags.
Is there a way to correctly position the menu's using the <span> tag itself?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday October 4 2006 - 8:00:42 BST
They are going to need to see the page in order to figure a solution.
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday October 4 2006 - 17:08:13 BST
You can pass positional offsets to the popup() method.
popup(menuName, imageName, topOffset, leftOffset)
So, when you call popup() in one of your spans, you could set a negative topOffset to bump the menu back up as needed.
Hope that helps,