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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:51

Collapsible Menu

Poster: ssegura
Dated: Thursday October 19 2006 - 15:29:23 BST


We have licenses of the Milonic Menu and have been using for some time. I see that you are developing a collapsible menu and I am interested in using it. When do you anticipate the completion and availability of the menu?

Also, I see that you can create a menu using a data base. Have you built a menu using XML? Thanks in advance for your support.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 19 2006 - 18:12:40 BST


When you go to the main site and log in and download the menu, unzip it and you will see a folder called xtras. In that folder is one called xml_based_menu.

Also, the collapse menu is working.

Yes, it is still being developed but many are using it with no problems as it is.

The top one is the collapsible menu. When you download it, I'm not sure if the treemenu.js module is in it, but even if it is, you need to make sure it is the newest version of tha module. There is a link on that entry page I gave you which gives you the newest version of that module.


Poster: ssegura
Dated: Thursday October 19 2006 - 19:48:57 BST

Thank you Ruth,

This gives me a great starting point to what I am attempting to accomplish. I notice this is using php. Would you have this same xml using javascript, jsp or java?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 19 2006 - 21:11:34 BST


I don't really know what you mean. There is an xml menu in the download. The treemenu uses a menu_data.js file just like the other menus i.e. collapse_data.js I believe is what it's called. It also has a module the treemenu.js module which is the extra programming to make it act like a tree. That's the only one available. As far as I know you can just use it like it is on an xml page, you just have to use cdata for the calls for the mmenudom.js and mmenuns4.js calls, bracket that call in cdata tags, I think.

At the bottom of this post

it shows how to do the calls for xhtml, I think they're the same, but this is beyond what I do.

I'm in the stone age :) html and a bit of css


Collapsible Menu

Poster: ssegura
Dated: Thursday October 19 2006 - 21:29:30 BST


You have helped me tremendously. thanks for the information.


Collapsible Menu

Poster: ssegura
Dated: Monday November 6 2006 - 17:12:28 GMT

We have purchased licenses and want to use the collapsible menu. We know it is still in development. We have downloaded a version but it has the link to Milonic in the code. Can you point me to where I can download a version of the collapsible menu that does not have the Milonic link? I have looked on your web site but am missing it somewhere. I have downloaded the latest version 5.761. Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Poster: John
Dated: Monday November 6 2006 - 18:59:13 GMT

The current version of the treemenu is Version 1.24 - September 4 2006. The main menu code has just gone up to v5.762. It is the main code that does the checking and places the forced link, not the treemenu code. Are you sure you were logged in to the download site when you got your code? It is not the same as being logged in here at the forum.

Collapsible Menu

Poster: ssegura
Dated: Monday November 6 2006 - 19:56:30 GMT


I'm a bit confused here and this is probably my user error but I need your assistance. I have logged in and the url I am going to is the following as I do not see any other place to download the collapsible menu.

However, when I save and unzip, I still see the Milonic link in the menu.

In your email you make reference to v5.762. I have not downloaded this version yet but I do have v5.761. In 5.761 I have Milonic links but I am able to remove. Is the collapsible menu and v5.762 related somehow and I have to have both in a folder. I see milonic_src.js and mmenudom.js in the same location as all the other collapsible menu files.

Am I going to the correct location to download? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Collapsible Menu

Poster: ssegura
Dated: Tuesday November 7 2006 - 16:47:15 GMT


I wrote yesterday about having issues downloading the files for the collapsible menu. In viewing the milonic_src.js file for the collapsible menu I see the following:

Milonic DHTML Menu - JavaScript Website Navigation System.
Version 5.743 - Built: Thursday January 26 2006 - 11:20
Copyright 2006 (c) Milonic Solutions Limited. All Rights Reserved.
This is a commercial software product, please visit for more information.
See for Commercial License Agreement
All Copyright statements must always remain in place in all files at all times

License Number: 1000 for Unlicensed

I apparently am not downloading a licensed version but I am logging in and downloading. I had no issues downloading v5.761 as it shows my licensed version in the milonic_src.js file.

Do I need to purchase a separate license for the collapsible menu. Please advise as I see many enhancements mentioned in the forum that I need but am having issues downloading the latest version. Thanks.


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday November 7 2006 - 17:00:54 GMT

No, you do not need an additional license for any of the 'extra' items available for the menu.

Keep in mind your login for the download might not be the same as for the forum. Once you are logged in properly it will say so just above the log in button on the left side.

Collapsible Menu

Poster: ssegura
Dated: Tuesday November 7 2006 - 17:30:52 GMT


I am using a different login userid and password when I download. It tells me "You are currently logged in as "#" at the top-left of the page. I just downloaded v5.762 and this works just fine. I am able to comment out reference links to Milonic. Do I use the5.762 js files to build the collapsible menu?

I notice you highlighted "extra" in your previous email. There is an extra folder but do not see collapsible menu files. Am I going to the correct url to download the collapsible menu.

Thanks for your patience.


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday November 7 2006 - 17:51:58 GMT


Don't worry about the questions - that's why we're here!

The 'extra' comment was not meant to refer to anything in particular. Actually, I forgot there is an 'extras' directory in the download.

Another place you can look for goodies is here, which is the same as DHTML Menu/Bolt-on Modules.

Given the amount of grey hair I have, I always manage to get collapsible and treemenu mixed up - same or different items? I think they're the same. Note that the treemenu item at the URL above is newer than on the other page. Needless to say, use the new one.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday November 11 2006 - 18:34:49 GMT

Hi Steve,

I think, if I understand correctly, the problem is that you're using the milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js and mmenuns4.js files from the download. Use your own licensed version of those files and you shouldn't have the link anymore. The file that you need for the tree or collapsible menu is the treemenu.js file which you need to get from the link John provided for the bolt-ons. I haven't checked but I think the one in the download is an older version. If you look at the main page at that treemenu link you posted right at the bottom it says
New updates to the treemenu module will be posted to

Hope that helps, and is the issue you were addressing. If not, then just color me mentally off the map :)
