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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:52
Collapse Menu problems in Firefox
Poster: kevdog98
Dated: Tuesday October 10 2006 - 17:00:08 BST
I am having a problem getting the menu to working firefox. The page is If you click on the links on the left nav in IE it works fine,but if you try to use the left nav in firefox it does not display correctly. The left nav div gets all screwed up. Can any help me figure out why?
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday October 11 2006 - 15:21:52 BST
For assistance you must be running the current menu version. You are 5 levels down. Upgrade to the current v5.759, give it another try, and if still failing come on back.
Poster: kevdog98
Dated: Wednesday October 11 2006 - 16:06:05 BST
Thanks for the reply. I upgraded to the latest version, and it did not fix my issues. In fact it made some things worse. Can you help me solve my issues?
Thanks for all your help.