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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:53
collapse menu and keeping menu open when link is clicked
Poster: kevdog98
Dated: Tuesday October 3 2006 - 16:52:28 BST
I am trying to get my collapse memnu to stay open when a link is clicked. So that if my menu is epanded out, and you click on a link it stays open to the part of the expanded menu. Right now my menu closes bacck up everytime a link is clicked.
Thanks for your help.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 12 2006 - 3:37:55 BST
Hi Kevin,
Did you get this worked out? If not can you give us a test page please so we can see what you mean. When you click a link it would seem you open a new page, so if that's the case then in effect you have a 'new' menu so it would be your original starting point but on a new page. The only option I can think is to use openmenusbyurl.js file which has the corresponding menu opened when you get to the page which is in that particular menu/submenu. If you're using a treemenu I believe that's something called openbranchbyname or something.