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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:50

Adding scroll arrows to Menu

Poster: harneet
Dated: Wednesday October 25 2006 - 15:27:23 BST

I have a menu which has lot of options because of which its getting cut in the frame where its placed. After a list of 5, i would like to add scroll down & scroll up arrows to navigate through my menu options. How can i do that. i am pasting below the code(here the "userList" size is very large which is the cause of the issue):

<div id="menuOptions" class="menuOptions" style="vertical-align: middle;" onmouseover="this.className='menuOptionsOver';show('viewTradesDB');hide('blotterEntriesDB');" onmouseout="this.className='menuOptions'"><idcBean:message key="label.preference.viewTrades"/><img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/theme/images/menudrop_icon3.gif"></div>
<div id="viewTradesDB" style="display: none;left:-115px;width:115px;" class="menuccyouter6" onclick="hide('panelOptionsDB');hide('viewTradesDB');" onmouseleave="hide('viewTradesDB');">
<idcLogic:equal parameter="whichwnd" value="window">
<div class="menuccy" style="" onmouseover="this.className='menuccy_over'" onmouseout="this.className='menuccy'" onclick="blotterSelections('Trading.FXTrader.TradeBlotter','window','viewTrade','All')">All Traders</div>
<idcLogic:equal parameter="whichwnd" value="window.opener">
<div class="menuccy" style="" onmouseover="this.className='menuccy_over'" onmouseout="this.className='menuccy'" onclick="blotterSelections('Trading.FXTrader.TradeBlotter','window.opener','viewTrade','All')">All Traders</div>
String myName = (String)aUser.getShortName();
<idcLogic:equal parameter="whichwnd" value="window">
<div class="menuccy" onmouseover="this.className='menuccy_over'" onmouseout="this.className='menuccy'" onclick="blotterSelections('Trading.FXTrader.TradeBlotter','window','viewTrade','<%=myName%>')"><%=myName%></div>
<idcLogic:equal parameter="whichwnd" value="window.opener">
<div class="menuccy" onmouseover="this.className='menuccy_over'" onmouseout="this.className='menuccy'" onclick="blotterSelections('Trading.FXTrader.TradeBlotter','window.opener','viewTrade','<%=myName%>')"><%=myName%></div>
Collection userList= getUser(pageContext).getOrganization().getUsers();
Iterator it=userList.iterator();
String orgUserName = null;
User orgUser=(User)(;
UserPermissionClassification clsf = (UserPermissionClassification)orgUser.getCustomFieldValue("DirectFX_Role");
if(clsf != null && clsf.getShortName().equals("TRADER") && orgUser.isActive()){
if(!(myName.equals(orgUserName))) {

<idcLogic:equal parameter="whichwnd" value="window">
<div class="menuccy" onmouseover="this.className='menuccy_over'" onmouseout="this.className='menuccy'" onclick="blotterSelections('Trading.FXTrader.TradeBlotter','window','viewTrade','<%=orgUserName%>')"><%=orgUserName%></div>

<idcLogic:equal parameter="whichwnd" value="window.opener">
<div class="menuccy" onmouseover="this.className='menuccy_over'" onmouseout="this.className='menuccy'" onclick="blotterSelections('Trading.FXTrader.TradeBlotter','window.opener','viewTrade','<%=orgUserName%>')"><%=orgUserName%></div>

<% }}}%>


Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday October 25 2006 - 21:37:17 BST

Are you running the Milonic DHTML menu system here? Got a URL?

Poster: harneet
Dated: Thursday October 26 2006 - 8:06:26 BST

No its not milonic menu. We have created this for our app.

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday October 26 2006 - 14:57:06 BST

Sorry. This forum is only for support of the Milonic menu system.

Poster: harneet
Dated: Friday October 27 2006 - 6:08:14 BST

Sorry. May be i did not get your question properly. what i wanted to say is that it is not a plugin directly picked up from your site but based on the same concepts as given in the Milonic Menu tutorial. We have created the menu reading the milonic tutorial.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Sunday October 29 2006 - 5:34:16 GMT

You can add an OS-specific scroll bar to a menu by specifying overflow="scroll"; in the menu definition. If the height of the menu exceeds the available space, then a scoll bar will be added automatically. There is no provision for a scoll arrow at the top/bottom of the menu.

Hope that helps,
