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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:09
Unusual Popup Request
Poster: marcusg
Dated: Thursday March 30 2006 - 3:58:13 BST
My customer wants to use an unusual popup link. I'm using version 5.744 of the menu.
<href="#" onClick="javascript: OpenPopUp('/cgi-bin/',1); return false">
obviously I don't need the # to hide the url and the 'onClick' would not be needed, but I can't get the menu to recognise this link.
I know the problem is with the '; return false' item since the ';' flags a new menu variable. I've tried a number of combinations including the following:
aI("text=Popup menu test;image=menu/newsimage.gif;url=javascript:OpenPopUp('/cgi-bin/',1); return false);;status=Test Popup Link;separatorsize=1"))
Any suggestions? Thanks for your help in advance.
Marcus G
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday March 30 2006 - 17:20:52 BST
I'm not a js person, but I found a posts that seem to be about the return false ... 7430#27430
Also, can't you put the function at the top of the menu data file and include the return false as part of the function? [showing my lack of js ]