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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:11
no menu in MAC Explorer 5.2.3
Poster: e __at__
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 18:29:03 GMT
i know mac explorer is on the way out. but i installed the latest menu last night tested and it worked fine until the one and first change i did, i changed the "top" number from 50 to 140. i tried this several times. now it does not work on the MAC explorer at all.
anybody? help? greatly appreciate some feedback. thanks!
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday March 9 2006 - 14:08:01 GMT
A more correct description would be IE/Mac is gone, not just on the way out, given it hasn't been supported or developed by M$ for over a year. With all sue respect, you're wasting your time trying to support it.
I think I'm the only team member with a Mac (maybe Andy?), and I dumped that piece of junk long ago. Unless one of our other users still has it, I'm afraid we're not going to be much help.