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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:04
Multiple SubMenu items staying selected
Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Saturday June 3 2006 - 15:38:50 BST
Hello all. Hope your day is going well.
I have a single issue I am trying to figure out. I have searched the forum, but don't know what to look for.
I am looking for some ideas I could try to fix this.
Let me explain.
The Menu is working fine.
I have the latest version (Version 5.747 - Built: Tuesday May 9 2006 - 11:22).
I have one menu/sub menu where more than one of the sub menu items stays selected as you hover the mouse up and down.
None of the other menu/sub menus do that, just the one (that I can see)
My web site is
The menu item in question is 'Kites'. Scroll the mouse up and down on the sub menu. You will notice that a number of the lines stays selected.
At least it does for me.
In my menu_data I have the following set ...
Here is a screen print of the menu issue.
I would appreciate someone taking a looksee and hopefully point me in the right direction to fix this.
Thanks ...
Poster: Migru
Dated: Saturday June 3 2006 - 20:45:38 BST
I´m wondering if you are using the correct syntax for the showtip in kiterelatedMenu , (see singlequotes) and in my opinion aI-strings syntax should be always aI(".......;");
For the tooltips please see
I did not really have enough time to look into your code.........
Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Sunday June 4 2006 - 19:54:06 BST
I don't believe that is the problem.
Single quotes seem to OK for the tooltip.
I'm wondering if the problem is the 'onfuction' parameter?
I'm not sure what sample I looked at long ago to use that, but it appears like it should be 'onmouseover/onmouseout'.
Can someone tell me if I should change all the 'onfunction' to 'onmouseover/onmouseout'?
It puzzles me that almost all my menus work fine. It is just the 'Kites' submenu.
Here is a sample of the code that I am using ...
aI("text=Kite Festival Picture Gallery;showmenu=festivalgalleryMenu;onfunction=showtip('Kite Festival<BR> pictures over the<BR> past few years.');status=Kite Festival Gallery.");
It is the elements in this submenu that stay selected as I move the mouse up/down.
Thanks for any help.
Poster: marty
Dated: Tuesday June 6 2006 - 12:03:53 BST
I've had a quick look at your data file and think the problem may be because some of your showtip links are missing the quotes.
aI("text=Link to EVENTS<br> on the AOK Website;url=;onfunction=showtip('');status=Link to the AOK Website for a list of Events.");
aI("text=Link to EVENTS<br> on the WKA Website;url=;onfunction=showtip(;status=Link to the WKA Website for a list of Events.");
aI("text=Link to EVENTS<br> on the AKA Website;url=;onfunction=showtip(;status=Link to the AKA Website for a list of Events.");
aI("text=Link to EVENTS<br> on the World Kite Museum Website;url=;onfunction=showtip(;status=Link to the World Kite Museum Website for a list of Events.");
aI("text=Link to EVENTS<br> on the WKA Website;url=;onfunction=showtip(;status=Link to the WKA Website for a list of Events.");
aI("text=Link to EVENTS<br> on the AKA Website;url=;onfunction=showtip(;status=Link to the AKA Website for a list of Events.");
aI("text=Link to EVENTS<br> on the World Kite Museum Website;url=;onfunction=showtip(;status=Link to the World Kite Museum Website for a list of Events.");
This first one has the correct onfunction=showtip(''); and works fine. The error occurs when the mouse moves over the next onfunction=showtip(; which should be
Hope this helps
Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Tuesday June 6 2006 - 16:08:43 BST
Thanks for the catch, Marty.
That fixed the problem.
Do you have any thoughts on 'onfunction' vs. onmouseover/onmouseout'?
Do you think I need to or should change that?
I can't find a definitive answer.
My apologies to User/Author Migru. Perhaps that is what you were alluding to, and I said that I doubted it was the single quotes.
It is working now.
I'm not sure how to indicate that this thread is now complete and closed.
It doesn't say in FAQ. Does one just stop responding/writing to this post?
Thanks ...
Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday June 7 2006 - 9:08:44 BST
yes, it was what I meant (syntax) seems I wasn´t precise enough.
Regarding the "onfunction" - issue, please look at the bolt-on modules page,
within the aI(".....; " ) ; string, tooltips should simply be used as follows:
aI("text=Tooltip Sample;tooltip=Here is your Toolteip;");