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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:18
javascript error
Poster: aaronsilber
Dated: Thursday January 12 2006 - 18:49:31 GMT
Hello, I am getting a javascript error that only appears on certain machines.
Here is the website:
When testing it out, it worked fine on all the laptops and computers we tested, EXCEPT for the client's machine. The client is using a standard Windows XP professional build with this version of Internet Explorer.
Here's the error message:
Please help! We have a licensed version of Milonic, and I can't find out why he's getting the javascript message. Could it be the milonic_src.js can't load properly, or ???
Thanks much,
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Thursday January 12 2006 - 19:09:25 GMT
Hi Aaron,
We'll need a little more info, especially since the error seems to be difficult to reproduce and may be machine-dependent. Under what specific circumstance does the error occur; what's the client doing? Do the menus function otherwise? Do they show up at all? Does the error happen on every page, or just some (your error message indicates contacts.html).
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday January 12 2006 - 21:16:40 GMT
I have the same version of IE, "clicked" all links found on that site,
inclusive the Site Map, Contcts etc.
I was unable to produce any error.