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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:17

Insert menu in table cell (using relative positioning)

Poster: Stalcer
Dated: Tuesday January 24 2006 - 21:17:25 GMT

Please help me to insert menu in table cell (using relative positioning):

It must help me to use menu in my center form-factored site.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday January 24 2006 - 21:40:52 GMT


This is version 3. It is no longer supported. We don't really know anything about this program, it is too old and we don't work with it so we can't help.

You can try doing a search under This version 3 archived forum for table menu and see if you can find info on this or better yet, I suggest you upgrade to using version 5. On the main site

look at the top menu, mouse over DHTML Menu and down at the bottom, 3 items up you'll see a version 3 to 5 converter tool. You can convert your array file [NOT the program mmenu.js file] to version 5 data file.
