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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:13
DHTML Menu and Google Translation
Poster: goakes
Dated: Monday February 27 2006 - 21:29:30 GMT
Is there a way to use this to translate the menu to several different languages? I have tried several different scripts and have had no success. I am looking at adding translation to an existing church website that is using the DHTML Menu. Any help would be appreciated. I can translate everything else on the page but the menu.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday February 28 2006 - 3:56:30 GMT
No, I don't believe you can do that. I know that the menu data file consists of text, but it is saved as js and read by the program. Sorry, I'm not a programmer so I'm probably not explaining correctly. Anyway, I know a few sites that have created different data files in different languages and then call the file accordingly. Perhaps you could do that and get a script that will load the correct file based on the page language. What would need to be translated is only the text you put in i.e. text=Hello; so only Hello has to be changed.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday February 28 2006 - 7:42:28 GMT
Ruth's suggestion is probably more accurate and will translate the text exactly how it should be translated because it will have been done by hand.
If you rely on the translator it might get it wrong.
One other way you could try and this may get translated is by using the list based menu (this accompanies the downloads in the /extras/ directory) This menu is based on Unordered Lists that are simply HTML and should get parsed through Google's translator.
Hope this helps,