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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:45

Combining two menu items

Poster: simongdawson
Dated: Friday December 29 2006 - 8:15:31 GMT

Can you please show me how to combine the following two menu items into a single menu item with a line break between the displayed 'Users Online' and Users Today'. I have tried but am not knowledgeable enough with the required phrasing, and as a consequence cannot get it to work.

aI("text=<? include("g:/etc/etc/etc1.php");?>;status=The number of visitors to currently online;");
aI("text=<? include("g:/etc/etc/etc2.php");?>;status=The number of visitors to today;");

Poster: Andy
Dated: Saturday January 6 2007 - 14:21:53 GMT

Hi Simon,

Try something like this:

aI("text=<? include("g:/websites/the-limes/htdocs/online/online.php"); ?><br><? include("g:/websites/the-limes/htdocs/online/today.php"); ?>;align=left");

If not, let me know and I'll dig a little deeper.

Hope this helps
Milonic Support

Poster: simongdawson
Dated: Sunday January 7 2007 - 20:10:59 GMT

Sorry, Andy, but I've tried your suggestion (and also tried a couple of minor changes) but I cannot get the second line to show. The test page is at

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday January 7 2007 - 21:22:46 GMT


I know I don't know a thing about this but as I was playing around. I noticed in the 'produced' menu_data2.php file the line you see is

aI("text=Users Online : 2;status=The number of visitors to currently online; >?<br>Users Today : 10;status=The number of visitors to today;");
and on the page all you get is the Users Online: 2.

What I did was remove the status= line since it's not part of the menu anymore and won't work. So, i changed it to
aI("text=Users Online : 2; >?<br>Users Today : 10;");
and resaved the file, and the output when I looked at the page was

Users Online: 2;
Users Today : 10

I realize that I am changing the generated file, but since it did output once the status was removed, though I don't know what is producing the >? in the outputting, I thought it might give you some ideas.


Poster: simongdawson
Dated: Sunday January 7 2007 - 22:52:06 GMT

Thanks, Ruth. I've removed the 'status' stuff from the menus - I didn't realise it no longer worked in the menus (a retrograde step???). The combined two items are now working using the code:

aI("text=<? include("g:/websites/the-limes/htdocs/online/online.php")?><br><? include("g:/websites/the-limes/htdocs/online/today.php");?>;");

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday January 8 2007 - 4:15:03 GMT


The status was removed with 5.751. It was seen as a security issue by internet security experts because of the way phishing attacks work and text being changed to indicate a trusted site. That feature has been disabled by default in all modern browsers as far as I know.

For all intents and purposes [well most purposes :) ] it doesn't matter if it's there since the menu program just ignores it. But, with your php code and combining those two it seemed to cause a problem probably something to do with the semi-colon I would bet.

I'm glad your code works now :)
