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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
Problem with submenus over Flash slideshow
Poster: joat
Dated: Tuesday April 18 2006 - 18:31:37 BST
I have just installed some XP Pro updates and am now experiencing difficulties with functionality of flyout menus over Flash slideshows. (IE 6.0.29) Flyouts now often disappear behind the swf movie and the movie is highlighted around the edge with the alt message 'Click to activate and use this control'. url is
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks, David
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday April 18 2006 - 21:05:33 BST
You're getting that message because M$ lost their lawsuit and popped out the updates. I have them installed here and am not seeing either the message or the pop-behind problem. However, I am seeing a very annoying quick reload of the page when moving from menu to menu. Of course, it does not fail in FF.
Unless Andy can come up with something IE users are stuck. I'll alert him to this.
Nice jobs, BTW. Come and do my place
E Flash work around
Poster: theWEBSQUAD
Dated: Wednesday April 19 2006 - 9:07:37 BST
Hope this helps - we've been using it with great success
At the end of your HTML file, put this line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ieupdate.js"></script>
In your external file (which we have assumed above is called 'ieupdate.js' put this:
theObjects = document.getElementsByTagName("object");
for (var i = 0; i < theObjects.length; i++) {
theObjects[i].outerHTML = theObjects[i].outerHTML;
Poster: joat
Dated: Wednesday April 19 2006 - 10:39:47 BST
Thank you John for your reply. You now qualify for a landscape gardening discount!
Huge thanks to theWEBSQUAD for coming up with the solution to my problem - seems to work fine now. You've really saved my bacon.
Best Wishes, David
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday April 19 2006 - 15:10:18 BST
Looks like the travel charge will be more than the job!
Thanks for the fix, WebSquad.
Still the same problem...
Poster: bryntez
Dated: Friday April 21 2006 - 21:29:03 BST
I've tried the solution provided by theWEBSQUAD but I still get the same stupid behaviour when using Internet Explorer.
If I click on the movie one time, the problem dissapear and the submenus don't "flash" until I go back to the frontpage and reloads. Then the "flashing" starts up again.
I'm using the latest version of the menu. I'm also using an Access Database to store the menu in, but that should'nt have anything to do with this kind of behaviour. In FireFox everything is "Smooth & Cool" of cource
Poster: joat
Dated: Saturday April 22 2006 - 11:12:05 BST
Hi Bryntez
I looked at your code but didn't see the reference to the external javascript file suggested by theWebSquad. I put mine at the end of the page just before </html> and that seemed to work ok. Also I am referencing the whole menu in an external file 'embedded_main_menu.js' for ease of site-wide editing. Don't know if that makes any difference though. Good Luck.