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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:09

Milonic Tooltip ..not tooltipping =)

Poster: galneweinhaw
Dated: Sunday April 2 2006 - 8:23:17 BST

I have been using a DHTML tooltip... but when added the Milonic menus the tooltips stopped working.

If I comment out the menu, then it starts working again.

Any idea why this might be happening?

THis is the js
<div id="dhtmltooltip"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
* Cool DHTML tooltip script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code

var offsetxpoint=-60 //Customize x offset of tooltip
var offsetypoint=20 //Customize y offset of tooltip
var ie=document.all
var ns6=document.getElementById && !document.all
var enabletip=false
if (ie||ns6)
var tipobj=document.all? document.all["dhtmltooltip"] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById("dhtmltooltip") : ""

function ietruebody(){
return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body

function ddrivetip(thetext, thecolor, thewidth){
if (ns6||ie){
if (typeof thewidth!="undefined")"px"
if (typeof thecolor!="undefined" && thecolor!="")
return false

function positiontip(e){
if (enabletip){
var curX=(ns6)?e.pageX : event.clientX+ietruebody().scrollLeft;
var curY=(ns6)?e.pageY : event.clientY+ietruebody().scrollTop;
//Find out how close the mouse is to the corner of the window
var rightedge=ie&&!window.opera? ietruebody().clientWidth-event.clientX-offsetxpoint : window.innerWidth-e.clientX-offsetxpoint-20
var bottomedge=ie&&!window.opera? ietruebody().clientHeight-event.clientY-offsetypoint : window.innerHeight-e.clientY-offsetypoint-20

var leftedge=(offsetxpoint<0)? offsetxpoint*(-1) : -1000

//if the horizontal distance isn't enough to accomodate the width of the context menu
if (rightedge<tipobj.offsetWidth)
//move the horizontal position of the menu to the left by it's width ietruebody().scrollLeft+event.clientX-tipobj.offsetWidth+"px" : window.pageXOffset+e.clientX-tipobj.offsetWidth+"px"
else if (curX<leftedge)"5px"
//position the horizontal position of the menu where the mouse is positioned"px"

//same concept with the vertical position
if (bottomedge<tipobj.offsetHeight) ietruebody().scrollTop+event.clientY-tipobj.offsetHeight-offsetypoint+"px" : window.pageYOffset+e.clientY-tipobj.offsetHeight-offsetypoint+"px"

function hideddrivetip(){
if (ns6||ie){


Poster: vikenk
Dated: Sunday April 2 2006 - 12:31:08 BST


Milonic has a toolips module of it's own as well. It's likely that the code for the tooltips is similar and conflicting. Even though you're not using the Milonic tooltips module, it seems like part of the code is in the main menu files.

Poster: galneweinhaw
Dated: Sunday April 2 2006 - 20:12:21 BST

Ah... thanks for the tip. I might as well use the Milonic onethen if I can figure it out =)

Poster: galneweinhaw
Dated: Monday April 3 2006 - 4:51:27 BST

Ok, so I'm trying to use the Milonic tooltip...seems pretty simple.

Any reason why I can't get it to work then =)

The text and little image SHOULD have a tooltip I think??

Poster: vikenk
Dated: Monday April 3 2006 - 5:10:39 BST


You need to load the milonic Source files *before* the tooltips script. You have the toolips script loaded first. I tested, and simply moving the toolips script down below the Milonic source file scripts did the trick.

Poster: galneweinhaw
Dated: Monday April 3 2006 - 9:59:10 BST

vikenk wrote:

You need to load the milonic Source files *before* the tooltips script. You have the toolips script loaded first. I tested, and simply moving the toolips script down below the Milonic source file scripts did the trick.

Sweet! thanks

Is there a way to set the styles of the box (using CSS) like you can the menus?

If so, what class do you use?
