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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
invalid property problem..
Poster: Alvin
Dated: Wednesday April 5 2006 - 6:37:57 BST
This is the way i code for the menu
with(milonic=new menuname("mnLeave")){
aI("text=Leave Calendar;url=index.php?section=1");
aI("text=Staffs Approval;url=index.php?section=2");
aI("text=Leave Summary;url=index.php?section=3");
because of the extra = in url property, I always get an error "Invalid property value"
Anyway i can solve this problem and does anybody there face this problem before. Thanks and urgently need for your greatly help and advice.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday April 5 2006 - 7:03:10 BST
try to find out, if it works, when you terminate the url by a semicolon ( ; ).
aI("text=Leave Calendar;url=index.php?section=1;");
aI("text=Staffs Approval;url=index.php?section=2;");
aI("text=Leave Summary;url=index.php?section=3;");
aI("text=Staffs Approval;url=index.php?section=2;");
aI("text=Leave Summary;url=index.php?section=3;");