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Taken From The Forum: Menu Images
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:07
HELP!! Images not qorking?
Poster: 1Royce1
Dated: Saturday April 29 2006 - 11:49:34 BST
Hi there,
I am new to computing and i need help (sorry if this is in the wrong topic).
I am having trubble looking at flash animations eg (the flash things). When i try and look at them it comes up with a little red cross in the left hand corner??
Please can some one help me!
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday May 4 2006 - 17:34:17 BST
Is this an issue with the Milonic DHTML menu system?
Poster: 1Royce1
Dated: Sunday May 7 2006 - 10:16:28 BST
I dont know i might be but then again might not. I just want it to work again what ever has happened on this website has happened on al lthe websites using flash or the interative menus eg martial heroes one.