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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:28
Want to get Parent of a menu
Poster: Godzidave
Dated: Tuesday October 18 2005 - 20:08:49 BST
Hi, I have two menus (one is use like a tooltip message), and for this tooltip menu I want to know which menu is this menu parent.
For example, here is my code
with(milonic=new menuname("Menu1")){
with(milonic=new menuname("Menu2")){
with(milonic=new menuname("mnuTooltip")){
aI("text=David Lavallée");
with(milonic=new menuname("Menu2")){
with(milonic=new menuname("mnuTooltip")){
aI("text=David Lavallée");
Here, Menu1 have mnuToolTip as a tooltip menu, and I want to find a way that when I have the item aI("text="David Lavallée"); from the _mi array, I want to find his parent.
Hope I'm clear...
If anybody could help, would be much appreciate
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday October 21 2005 - 13:03:04 BST
The following should return the reference number for a menuitems parent menu:
var parentMenu=getParentMenuByItem(_itemRef)
Then, you can call this menus array by either _m[parentMenu] or the object itself by gmobj("menu"+parentMenu)
Hope this helps,
Poster: Godzidave
Dated: Monday October 24 2005 - 14:29:15 BST
Yeah, I found this function by searching the web site... but my question was more about how getting the _itemref?? Sorry if I did not make myself clear...
I'm french so sometime, I can't explain my question real clear...
Hope i'm clear this time
Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday October 24 2005 - 16:33:46 BST
_itemRef is a global value that is always -1 unless you a menu item is active in which case it is the reference number to the menu item.
It's all pretty much automatic
Poster: Godzidave
Dated: Monday October 24 2005 - 19:01:18 BST
Oh, didn't know about that.
Thanx, I'll give it a try!!
Poster: sbraun
Dated: Wednesday December 13 2006 - 13:50:11 GMT
Andy wrote:
The following should return the reference number for a menuitems parent menu:
var parentMenu=getParentMenuByItem(_itemRef)
Then, you can call this menus array by either _m[parentMenu] or the object itself by gmobj("menu"+parentMenu)
Hope this helps,
The following should return the reference number for a menuitems parent menu:
var parentMenu=getParentMenuByItem(_itemRef)
Then, you can call this menus array by either _m[parentMenu] or the object itself by gmobj("menu"+parentMenu)
Hope this helps,
Hello Andy,
I don't know javascript, but I'de like to use this function "var parentMenu=getParentMenuByItem(_itemRef)"
Where do I use it and how?
Thanks for any...
Poster: rjmjr9
Dated: Wednesday December 13 2006 - 18:43:46 GMT
Andy wrote:
_itemRef is a global value that is always -1 unless you a menu item is active in which case it is the reference number to the menu item.
It's all pretty much automatic
It's all pretty much automatic
If I understand you -
_itemref is the item number of an item within a speciifc menu and it not an array of all items of all menus on a page. For ex:
menu 1 has 3 items. each item has a showmenu to show a sub menu.
the _itemref that is equal 1 for menu 1 is the first item that is listed in the menu data file.
SO the _itemref that is equal to 1 for a submenu means that it is the first menu item listed in the menu data file for that sub menu. it does not consider the parent menu. _itemref refers only to the menu item wher it was called.
therefore, in this case
aI("clickfunction=getParentMenuByItem(3);"); in the third item on the third submenu of menu 1 will return the parent "menu1"
Is this correct:
If not could you explain how items get their _itemref.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday December 19 2006 - 12:06:06 GMT
If I understand you
_itemref is the item number of an item within a speciifc menu and it not an array of all items of all menus on a page. For ex:
menu 1 has 3 items. each item has a showmenu to show a sub menu.
the _itemref that is equal 1 for menu 1 is the first item that is listed in the menu data file.
_itemref is the item number of an item within a speciifc menu and it not an array of all items of all menus on a page. For ex:
menu 1 has 3 items. each item has a showmenu to show a sub menu.
the _itemref that is equal 1 for menu 1 is the first item that is listed in the menu data file.
No, _itemRef is the global item number so if there are 100 menu items in the whole of the menu and the last menu item is highlighted, _itemRef will have a value of 99 (99 because 0 is counted as 1 and so on)
In irder to return the items location within the menu, you would need to use a function such as this:
function mm_returnItemPos(i){
var M=_m[_mi[i][0]][0]
for(var a=0;a<M.length;a++)if(M[a]==i)return a;
return -1
var M=_m[_mi[i][0]][0]
for(var a=0;a<M.length;a++)if(M[a]==i)return a;
return -1