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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:29
target=_blank/new wouldn't open in new window
Poster: alvsky
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 14:50:08 BST
I want my two links to open in new window but they wouldn't.
Here is the code for those two menu items:
$mmItem = new mItem();
$mmItem->addItemElement("text", "FORUM");
$mmItem->addItemElement("url", "");
$mmItem->addItemElement("target", "_new");
$mmItem->addItemElement("title", "Aikido društvo ZAGREB - Forum");
$mmItem->addItemElement("offcolor", "ffffff");
$mmItem = new mItem();
$mmItem->addItemElement("text", "FORUM");
$mmItem->addItemElement("url", "");
$mmItem->addItemElement("target", "_new");
$mmItem->addItemElement("title", "Aikido društvo ZAGREB - Forum");
$mmItem->addItemElement("offcolor", "ffffff");
the page is
Please help!! because I'm now desperate
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 15:02:55 BST
The code you have posted is not for the Milonic DHTML menu system.
Poster: alvsky
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 15:06:38 BST
Sure it is.
I got it from Millonic web page and it is the php version.
File i downloaded is and this kind of code can be found under extras/php.
Please look at the source code of
I am really stuck here, and I really need help about this.
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 15:25:33 BST
You're right, of course. Sorry 'bout that (it's early here!).
Right offhand I don't see a problem, but the PHP guys will have to take a look for you. Hang in there...
Poster: alvsky
Dated: Wednesday October 12 2005 - 10:35:16 BST
Found what's causing the problem.
It's the css style sheet.
My site is built on <B>jello piefecta</B> style sheet, and when the menu is inside the <B>expander</B> id, target property of the menu is for some reason ignored.
If anyone else had this situation, I would appriciate some help.
Poster: alvsky
Dated: Wednesday October 12 2005 - 10:55:12 BST
Solved it!!
I set position=absolute and it helped.
But... I think that is not a solution, that is kind of workaround.
The question is why it doesn't work with position=relative?
BTW the menu is positioned inside a div tag, not table.
Does this make teh difference?