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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:29
Right Justify SubMenus Cross Frames
Poster: dryan
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 19:04:39 BST
Dearest Milonic,
I have been assigned the task of finding, evaluating and implementing a cross-browser, cross-frame menu. I think I have found it. But I am having some problems with setting up the menu.
I have downloaded and set up the cross-frames menu seen here:
The problem:
With the menu set at screenposition="right"; the submenu appears off the page. (See "Wrong" below) I would like to have that submenu, and all submenus to have their rightmost edge aligned with the rightmost edge of the header image. (see "Right" below). That example was made possible by hardcoding in the offset (_subOffsetLeft=-83;). We are going to be translating this application into multiple languages, and we do not know the offset width for every language. Could you please tell me if it is possible to achieve results like the "Right" example without hardcoding the offest, and if so how to do it?
** edit ** I have tried "openstyle="rtl";" but that does not seem to work across frames.
I am working with this code:
Milonic DHTML Menu Frames Based Navigation Module mm_navframe.js version 1.0 - March 22 2005
Written by Kevin Clements
This module is only compatible with the Milonic DHTML Menu version 5.62 or higher
I would also appreciate some hints as to how to make the menu open and close onClick as well as close onMouseOut after time.
Wrong: (no hardcoded offset)
Right: (hardcoded offset)