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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:27

Opera and Iframes

Poster: GSF
Dated: Saturday October 29 2005 - 18:01:06 BST

Hi is anyone else out there having problems with Opera and Iframes?

I am using 5.734 code, my menu displays over Iframes in IE6, is a bit problematic with Netscape 8/Firefox 1.0.7 (the menus dont always hide when mouse is off). BUT with Opera 8 the menu is hidden by the content of the IFrame.

I have tried changing the zindex value but that didn't help.

I have noticed that the sample menu on the Milonic site (sample 11) has exactly the same problems, hidden menu on Opera, sticky menus on Mozilla.

Could someone please save what is left of my hair!


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday October 31 2005 - 19:38:53 GMT

It is something to do with Opera, it treats iframes as if they were just normal frames and no matter what the z-index they will always be on top. The one solution that was found is to use a divloader for the menu, the second is to do a layout that doesn't have the menu opening over the iframe, which defeats the purpose of the menu to be able to let you use iframes to keep the frames functionality and still have the menu work. ... 3948#23948 has some information about it and the site where the person got the div loader is Dyn-Web Hope this helps.


Poster: GSF
Dated: Tuesday November 1 2005 - 8:34:39 GMT

Hi Ruth,

Many thanks for the suggestions, they are much appreciated.

I have tried and successfully used the DIV hider, but I had to hide the entire contents of the IFrame to get the menu to display so it is not in my mind a practical 'work round'.

I have also changed the orientation of the menu to Horizontal and avoided overlapping the IFrame - this works but it is not ideal as it wastes page depth.

I know that other dynamic menus also have issues with Opera BUT according to recent Browser stats the usage of the Browsers is:

IE6 68.9%
FF 18.8%
Moz 2.5%
Op8 1.1%
NN7 0.5%
Op7 0.2%

OK Opera may only be 1.3%, but it is still a significant number of users.

I appreciate that providing 'Cross Browser' support is a moving target and that not everyone uses IFrames. The Milonic menu is a great tool but I would like to see this issue and the 'sticky menu' issue in Mozilla sorted quickly.

What do others think?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 1 2005 - 15:04:30 GMT


I wasn't suggesting the divhider because that will do what you said. The divloader is different. I found the other post I was trying to find which has a more detailed explanation of the divloader. I don't use divs and haven't used the divloader so I can't really explain it very well. :oops:

This is the site that has the divloader with Milonic so you can see how it works and how they implemented it.

Everyone who has used it says it works well for browsers like Opera, which are programmed to place iframes always on top no matter the z-index used. IE in Mac does the same thing.


Poster: GSF
Dated: Wednesday November 2 2005 - 7:57:03 GMT

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for the update and putting me right on div loader as opposed to hider.

Did look at in both IE6 and Opera 8, the menu is certainly working on Op but there appear to be other problems with IFrame content - missing images.

Will give it a try, when I get the chance.

Many thanks for you help - my hair content has at least stabilised!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday November 2 2005 - 9:01:06 GMT

:D It's a good thing about the hair! Now, you could always contact Opera and complain, but I doubt they will fix it. It's very strange because the other browsers don't require odd things when using iframes, only that one [well and IE Mac, but that's dead] Opera should really fix that problem especially with so many menus and the use of iframes now.


Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday November 21 2005 - 17:01:36 GMT

Opera are actually VERY good at fixing things.

We've been in touch with them on a number of occasions and they have always replied.

They also have custom functions embedded inside the new versions of Opera that specifically deal with older versions of our menus that people are reluctant to upgrade. That to me is GREAT customer service and I'm sure they will fix things if you tell them about it.

-- Andy

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 21 2005 - 17:15:55 GMT

Thanks, Andy. That's good to know that someone actually works to fix things for their users. Of course, Milonic is number one when it comes to working with their users! :D



Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 21 2005 - 1:16:18 GMT


just "studied" a little bid comments and announcements in the Opera Forum.
Opera version 9 changelog reads as follows:

..... Allowed positioned elements to appear in front of iframes and objects.....

hope this will end the problem with iframes and this browser
(The beta is already released, I did not test it so far)
