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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:27
Multi style menu...
Poster: gbrain
Dated: Thursday October 27 2005 - 14:15:28 BST
Hi all, 1st great tool, got a copy free but decided to buy it .
any way.
I have several menus on one page, but they all use the same style. I now want to put an addition menu but looking like the tabs on a folder (amazon style) but for some reason I cant get it to load.
Is there anything specific I need to change in the file to get it to show.
Q. are the 3 files the same no matter what menu style you download ?
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday October 27 2005 - 15:07:54 BST
Yes, the 3 code files are the same no matter what menu style you use. Exceptions would be something like the tree menu, which still uses the same 3 files, but adds a module of its own.
You can have as many styles as you like, each with a different name, of course. Simply define what you need and call the style from the menu definition.
A URL (as requested) would help us.
Thanks for the kind words (and purchase!).