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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:29
I'm Trying to open a popup window via the menu.
Poster: webshaker123
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 1:38:34 BST
I need a little help. I'm trying to open a small popup window via the menu version 3, but I keep receiving and error which prevents my menu from even showing up. This is the script that I'm using:
,"Rite Aide Drug","<a onclick=", 'popupwindow', 'width=550,height=550,scrollbars=noesizable=no'); return false;" target="_blank" href=""></a>
As you can probably see I'm a NEWBIE with great vision and an old version of the menu. Any help or suggestions that you might offer would be greatly appreciated
Web Shaker
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 14:58:13 BST
I have two suggestions. Since v3 of the menu is no longer supported or developed, you really need to move up to the new v5 system. All the difference in the world.
There is an error in your statement. You have (snipped)...
Not quite right.
Poster: webshaker123
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 15:38:35 BST
I agree about upgrading but I'm doing this for a non profit group that doesn't want your sponsor tag to appear as their home page. And they don't want to pay for the menu. And since they already had your old version I'm trying to make it work for them.
Their site is If you should visit their site, you'll see the menu option officers, those are the links that they want to popup.
After looking at what I typed in the thread I realized that it was wrong, but what I actually used in the menu was this and it still turns my menu off.
,"President","<a onclick=", 'popupwindow', 'width=550,height=550,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no'); return false;" target="_blank" href=""></a>
This tag works in any normal link but not in the menu.
Any help or suggestions that you might offer would be greatly appreciated.
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday October 11 2005 - 15:53:13 BST
See for info on how to remove the forced link from the v5 menu if and only if they are a true non-profit (link to our description of such is provided on that page). Note that even as such the menu must still be licensed (although free).