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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:29
FireFox Followscroll Sub Menu Issues
Poster: MastahX
Dated: Wednesday October 12 2005 - 16:30:37 BST
I have two issues I would appreciate any help on. I've searched the mboards for answers but can't seem to find what I need. I'm using the latest codebase (5.732).
Problem #1: The sub-menus for a vertical (followscroll=1) menu do not show up next to the menu if you scroll down the page in FF. The sub menu's are left behind half way up the page when I scroll.
Here is my code for the main menu
followscroll = "1,0,1";
Problem #2: In IE 6 the menu flickers a lot when i mouseover the main nav. It was a bigger problem earlier but when I set position=absolute it seemed to fix the jumping problems.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Poster: Ray
Dated: Wednesday October 19 2005 - 10:42:24 BST
G'day all,
I am building a horizontal menu and have exactly the same problem with my sub/sub menus not scrolling with the rest of the menu. I use Firefox version 1.5 Beta.
Under the Heading 'Wildflowers' is a Item called 'Perth Hills' with sub menus under that called Winter and Spring.
The Winter and Spring submenus will not scroll with the rest of the menu.
I have the latest version of Milonic. Version 5.732
Everything works fine in IE.
Can anyone steer us in the right direction? Or do you need more information?
Poster: Ray
Dated: Monday October 24 2005 - 2:59:04 BST
I found the solution.
Top line of the menu_data.js
Toggled true to false. Like the comment said.
fixMozillaZIndex=false; //Fixes Z-Index problem with Mozilla browsers but causes odd scrolling problem, toggle to see if it helps.
Poster: cornernote
Dated: Thursday September 7 2006 - 9:25:19 BST
I am using listmenus.js and when I toggle this to false it causes my menus to not become scrollable when they overflow.
I have hacked the listmenus.js a little to force the overflow:
_y6+="with(milonic=new menuname('"+_mN+"')){"
_y6+="with(milonic=new menuname('"+_mN+"')){ overflow=\"scroll\";"
This just makes the overflow=scroll in all submenus. However when fixMozillaZIndex=false this does not work.
Poster: cornernote
Dated: Thursday September 7 2006 - 9:51:58 BST
The scroll bars do show up - but only when your at the very top of the page. If you scroll down a little bit they dont show up.
Poster: cornernote
Dated: Thursday September 7 2006 - 10:34:26 BST
If i set the menu to followscroll=1 it seems to work correctly. However this is not what I want. I want the menu to stick to the top of the page so I use position=fixed. When I set this instead of followscroll, thats when I start getting problems.