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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:26
white border around my horizontal header row only?
Poster: tg4
Dated: Thursday November 10 2005 - 21:08:23 GMT
Hi -- I bought a license and installed this nav system. It rocks, but what property do I change to get rid of the white border around my horizontal header row only? I've tried a bunch of stuff... check it out:
thanks very much!
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 10 2005 - 21:47:39 GMT
I don't see a white border on any menu item and I don't see any menu item coded as type=header. I don't see a white border anyplace. Could you tell me where you are seeing this, around what specific item and in what browser?
Poster: tg4
Dated: Friday November 11 2005 - 1:12:00 GMT
thank you for replying! I actually changed the border from white to blue, and didn't update this post -- sorry, but I still can not figure out what I want to do. Here's what I'd like to do:
I have a menu with 6 buttons (5 are dropdown). I would like to know how to do the following (if you can give me names of properties that'd be great!)
* Assign the border color of each button in the "off" state
* Assign the border color of each button in the "on" (rollover) state.
When I have tried this in the past, the border goes around all 6 buttons as one big box, and not the individual buttons (which is what I want).
I'd also like to:
* Change the bg color of the dropdown menu.
* Change the border color in the dropdown menu that surround the buttons
* Change the font color (on & off) of the drop down menu text.
thank you VERY much!
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday November 11 2005 - 1:50:28 GMT
You might want to take a look at the Beginners' Forum. It has little tutorials for most of what you ask. They are short and quick reads. Below my name are links to that forum and also to the Menu Properties Quick Reference Guides for style, menu and item properties where all the properties are listed with a description of them. Style properties are those that would be placed in the top part style, where the menuStyle is defined; menu properties are those placed at the top of each menu, i.e. alwaysvisible=1; and item properties are those that can be defined in each item. They are in many cases duplicates of the style properties. So, let's say you have in the menuStyle offbgcolor="#ff00ff"; but in one item in one menu that uses that style you want the offbgcolor to be different. You would define it in the aI string. offbgcolor=#f0f0f0; Note the difference. In the menuStyle it requires quotes because the property contains more than just a number, but in the aI string there are no quotes.
In the Beginners' Forum there are also links to things like Borders, CSS Styling, Putting the menu in a table and some other miscellaneous items.
Note that in the Beginners' Forum the discussion of 'global' style is not referring to the very top 'global properties' that are in the file, i.e. menuOpenDelay and such. It means the style such as menuStyle that is right below that. [I have to rename those topics

Hope this helps.
Poster: tg4
Dated: Friday November 11 2005 - 2:20:23 GMT
thanks for your lengthy answer. There is a lot of documentation and it has been very good. I have looked through the reference guide and found it to be very useful, but I there are a couple properties I can't find listed (or aren't working correctly for me -- probably because I don't understand them completely... I'll look into them.) I'm trying to use:
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday November 11 2005 - 2:55:04 GMT
That's because there are no such properties as offbordercolor and onbordercolor. If you look at the onborder and offborder properties reference description that is done use css styles, i.e. offborder=1px solid #ff00ff
There are actually 3 'types' of borders in the menu:
bordercolor, borderstyle, borderwidth would go in the style section and it would put a border around the menu item 'container' for lack of a better term.
offborder would go either in the menu style or in an item and it would put a border around the item in addition to the border around the 'container'
onborder would also go in either the style or the item and it would put a border around the item of a different color [if you use a different color] when the mouse is on an item.
You can mix and match and play around to get some really interesting design results