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Tree/collapsable menu expansion issue
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Tuesday November 22 2005 - 22:34:43 GMT
Hello there,
I'm using the collapsable menu and I have a simmilar issue that is disscused on this page
I was wondering if there is any better solution to ths problem. I need to keep my sub menu expanded when that submenu tabs are clicked. in that solution you said we can add a 1px image and ave the same URL as the parent menu. But I have no landing page for my menu. Do you se what I mean. If I click my main menu it expands the submenu and does not take me to any page. but ehn I click the sub menu tabs I will see pages, but I still need to maintain the expanded submenu.
any other solution to that yet ? Please let me know.. its urgent.
I downloaded the collapseable menu from here
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday November 23 2005 - 0:24:50 GMT
We need a link to your page to be able to work on a solution.
Link to page
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Wednesday November 23 2005 - 15:39:46 GMT
Hello Ruth,
Here is the link to the site.
Only "Services" has a sub menu. Then click on "Thai Thermal Bed therapies" You will notice that the menu closes and I want it to stay opened, so that user can click on other services tabs of sub menu.
I have no page for "Services" , clicking on Services only opens the sub menu for further seelection.
I have a couple of additional question.
1) Is this menu available in the samples that you have on the site ? If not do you vae a similar menu that I can download?
2) I already have a license, how can I use it to buy this menu ? I dont see it in samples. I told you where I downloaded it from.
Please reply ASAP. thanks
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday November 23 2005 - 18:13:57 GMT
1. If you have a valid license you only need to be logged in on the main site under the name used when you first got your licensed version.
2. As long as your license is valid, you can download any or all samples you want.
3. Could you tell me which sample you want to use and I'll get you some info on how to do it as a treemenu.
Right now the version you have on your site is unlicensed which is why you are getting the Milonic Link. If you let me know a page where you have your licensed menu I can give you more information on that issue.
You should make sure you have the newest treemenu.js modulemodule page
I'll work on the original issue and get back to you when I figure it out.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday November 23 2005 - 19:41:16 GMT
OK, I got the page and I think I might not be understanding what you want.
Download the newest menu version, the newest treemenu.js module and the newest openmenusbyurl.js module from the bolt-on pages.
On all the pages where you want the submenus to be open when you reach them place this as you calls for the menu files
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="collapse_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="treemenu.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<script type="text/javascript" src="openmenusbyurl.js"></script>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="collapse_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="treemenu.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<script type="text/javascript" src="openmenusbyurl.js"></script>
You would of course use your own paths to the files.
Once that is on there, when you click on the first item in the Services submenu and go to the page that submenu will be expanded.
You are wonderful
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Wednesday November 23 2005 - 20:25:41 GMT
Hello Ruth,
you are simply wonderful. I followed your directions, and downloaded new
1) treemenu.js
2) openmenusbyurl.js
3) sample 2 with ver 5.735
then replaced all the file other than collapse_data.js
and now it works they way I wanted it too.
thanks for your help. The one thing that I was missing was openmenusbyurl.js
Just one more thing. Now if you go the website. open the submenu of services then click on any submenu tab it will open the page and keep the menu expanded.
I also want the coresponding subemenu tab to show the yellow color to indicate that this page is open. Do you see what I mean. In simple wods keeping the menu highlighted.
i'm pretty sure it's jut a style or menu property but cant seem to find it. clickcolor keeps the color just for the moment that it is clicked. I want to retain the color
Thanks again.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday November 23 2005 - 22:09:18 GMT
Add this to your tstyle1 menu style
When you click on a page in any submenu, when it gets to the page the color will be the gold color. Unfortunately it will not highlight the text of the main parent item that opened the submenu, however, I did find one thing you can do so that you let people know the 'main' area of the submenu
In the tstyle1 style area you can put pageimage="check.gif"; then in every sub style copyOf definition you'd put pageimage="";
Then you need a little transparent image that is a check mark. I have one if you want and can make it in any color you want. What happens when you click Services it opens the submenu, then when you click a page, when you get to the new page the submenu item has gold text and there is a little white check mark to the left of the word Services. That would happen on all the parent items that opened a submenu. If you didn't put in the pageimage=""; in the submenu style definitions there would be check mark next to the main parent item and the sub item that is clicked. But, I think it looks better to have the main with the check, or a star, or right pointing arrow, or dot or whatever and the sub item only having the color change.
All done
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Thursday November 24 2005 - 1:51:24 GMT
Thanks alot,
pagecolor has done the trick. Menu now works exactly the way I wanted it to.
I see what you mean with having an image to show that there is a submenu with this menu Item. That is how it should be... but I wish the clients were as smart as you are. The client likes it this way and that's what she will get

Thanks for your help .. I had a deadline to meet and you helped me alot to get it done.
Another problem
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Friday November 25 2005 - 16:29:55 GMT
Hello Ruth,
Another urgent problem, first of all we have a different homepage now so just click on any of the links on any of the top links and it will take you the the inside site. Now follow these steps.
1) click on "services", it will open up the submenu
2) now click on any of the Main menu items, e.g. "About Us"
3)Notice that clicking on About us only "Closes" the submenu and does not take me to the about us page. You have to clik again to get to the page.
A user will feel it's a broken link. they need to click it twice to get to that page. Do you have a solution for that? That clicking on the main menu not only closes the submenu but also takes you to the correct page.
please reply soon.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday November 25 2005 - 21:47:26 GMT
It's the singleMaster=true that causes that problem. Unfortunately if you set it to false, then it allows more than one submenu to be open at one time.
With singlemaster set to true it forces the menu to read the click and close the open submenu and open the new one, but that also means that when you click a link in the main menu without a submenu it has to first close the submenu, then you have to click it again to go.
Since you only have one submenu and links will take you to another page, I suggest you change it to singleMasterMenu=false;
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Saturday November 26 2005 - 16:35:15 GMT
Hello ruth,
this thing did work. Now the only problem left is positioning of the sub menu. on some browsers submenu sticks to the top left corner. And if you shrink the the browser windw submenu acts funny .. it moves out of its place. I tried relative positioning for submenu but it made it even worse. Then it takes the sub menu below my main menu when opened. Is there some positioning settings that I'm missig ? I'm sure you know how to download my collapse_data.js file it's in 'JS" folder. Please take a look at it and tell me if I commented out something that I was not supposed to or if I need some additional attributes.
NOTE: Site is now live so the just use the IP , no more "Newsite" folder. I'm posting some code here anyways, do take a look at my js file please. Thanks
_scrollAmount=5 // Used for Netscape 4 scrolling
_scrollDelay=10 // Used for Netscape 4 scrolling
_menuCloseDelay=500 // The delay for menus to remain visible on mouse off
_menuOpenDelay=150 // The delay for opening menus on mouse over
//_subOffsetTop=0; // Sub menu offset Top position
//_subOffsetLeft=0; // Sub menu offset Left position
retainClickValue = true; //will keep the menu open when clicked
////////// This is main menu attributes
with(new menuname("main Tree Menu")){
style = tstyle1;
alwaysvisible = 1;
//////////////////// This is submenu
with(new menuname("SubServices")){
style = sub1Style;
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday November 26 2005 - 18:39:24 GMT
I cannot get the behaviour to repeat on my desktop, and once I go to your site, go to service where I do see the behavior, if I go back to the main page and click services again the menu is correct.
Try putting the call for all the menu files except the data file the first thing after the body tag leaving the call for the collapse_data.js in the table cell.
I'll keep working on it.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Saturday November 26 2005 - 20:29:17 GMT
OK, now I am calling all files after the body tag and only collapse_data.js in the table cell. No Change.
Still some users are experincing the same thing. One user for whom it acts funny is usin IE6 with SP1 and with Windows XP with SP2 installed. REsizing browser window mover the submenu and sometime the sub menu sticks to the top left corner. I have IE6 with SP1 and XP with SP1 and it works just fine for me. Not sure if XP SP2 is making any difference.
Another Question : Is there any other dhtml menu that works exactly the same and is out there for quite some time with proven results ? May be some other menu that you have in you menu samples that will do the job for me. I know this tree menu is a beta version. Let me know if something as such is available to download(buy). Thanks for you help again.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday November 26 2005 - 21:49:57 GMT
Just so you know....the treemenu is not a beta version, it is in final release and just gets updates as different functionalities are added. Milonic just hasn't updated the text on that page.
I just cleared my cache totally and went to the site using IE5.5 '98se, FF1.0.2, Netscape7.1, and Opera7.54 and the menu is in the correct place on all of them. I checked every link and the menu is correct on each page.
Perhaps the person's cache was using the old page?
Can you let me know and I'll post to Milonic if the issue isn't cleared on that. Unfortunately, I can't trouble shoot that, nor do I know the ins and outs to be able to suggest anything, unless it has something to do with security settings and pop ups or something.
Some screen shots
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Monday November 28 2005 - 0:00:54 GMT
Hi Ruth
The issue that we are experiencing is with IE6 not 5.5 most users that visit our sites are using IE6. Just to confirm the behaviour I have taken two screen shots.
The first is located here
This shows the menu as it loads initially, and it shows correctly. Then if the user resizes the window the menu moves with it as well. Here is a screen shot of me moving the left side of my browser to the right. as you can see the menu moves as the side of the browser moves.
This looks like an absolute position or a positioning relative to the browser window. How do we get the menu to align itself to the table cell?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 28 2005 - 2:21:07 GMT
Just to let you know I'm working on it. It may be tomorrow afternoon before I have an answer.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 17:42:53 GMT
Hi Ruth,
I'm still waiting for a response from you. We still have that problem of menu moving around when we resize the page on some computers. Are you going to have a solution for this anytime soon ? Please let me know.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 19:19:27 GMT
I am so sorry. I thought I posted back.
I reported the issue and I thought I posted back asking you to try the new version, which is now at 5.738. I can't test it because I don't have IE6.
Again, I apologize for not posting sooner.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 20:32:58 GMT
is there a url to see what it is ?
The url given above / before is no longer active it seems.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 20:58:43 GMT
Hi Michael,
On that page, click on the services link. You will get a page which has a menu at the left and the services submenu is open.
I''m unable to reproduce the problem but I remember, if you're at say 1024x768 go to that page and then pull the browser smaller from the left side, the submenu seems to go out of position while the rest of the menu moves correctly with the table. I don't know if the newer version fixed that.
Thanks so much for checking it out

services menu
Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 21:08:41 GMT
Hi Ruth,
yes in fact, I can reproduce exactly what you´ve described.
Will see, when I can test that using 5-738.
I have to settle something different very urgent by tomorrow.
But promised - Will check it out.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 21:54:55 GMT
Hello Michael and Ruth,
I've uploaded 5-738 now and it's even worse. but it's good that you might be able to see the problem now. With firefox the first time you load it you will see a blank gap after the submenu(hopefully) , plus it's acting wierd on my localhost, it sticks the submenu to the top left corner to (0,0) cordinates once in a while. Again , The new version is up so please test is asap. This site is live and right now it's holidays but if I get complains about the new version or menu acting wierdly then I'll upload 5-735 again as I had no problems with that at least on my PC with any browser. I just had complains from the client and few users previously. Let me know whenever you have a solution. Thanks
PS there is more problems with IE than firefox. Firefox is fine after the initial hickup.
collaps. menu
Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 23:23:23 GMT
wouldn´t say it is worse.
tested three browsers: IE 6.01, FF 1.5 and OP 8.51.
All three browsers at first show the menu, it seems in the expected mode.
(Depending on the monitor)
Starting e.g. with 1024x768, it looks "normal", (expected)
Resizing the window to 1280x1024 , the entire submenu stays at its position (in relation to the windows margin) it seems, whereas the rest of the table, as it is centered changes its position. But when "reload", (F5) is pressed or the corresponding browsers menuitem is clicked, the submenu shifts to its (I think so) correct position. There is a gap occuring after the menu (further down) in Opera only, not in FF and not in IE.
Starting in 1280x1024 it is similar. At first, the submenu is placed in a correct way. Resizing the window ends with the same effect as described.
Reloading only is correcting its position.
Had a brief look into the pages code. Is it correct, that in this case, all the milonic files are placed twice ? a) after the body tag and again b) together with the collapse_data.js ?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 23:33:17 GMT
Hi Michael and Aliasim,
I noticed that, too, but then realized that it's not twice. That second code has the
<!--file names-->
tags to block them. I think they were there once and it was corrected to the top where they belong but the code was just put in those tags.
Unfortunately, as I said I can't test. However, I have a suggestion.
I realized when thinking what could be tested, that the page uses the opemenusbyurl.js module.
I think that module needs to be removed, then go to the page and open the submenu normally with a click, then resize it while that is open and see if the problem still occurs. If not then we can eliminated the module as the problem and keep testing from there.
Aliasim, would it be possible for you to put up a test page again so you wouldn't be removing, adding and testing on the actual live page? Is there someplace on that site you could do the same page with a different name while we are trying to figure things out?
sample menu
Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 23:51:23 GMT
Hi Ruth,
oh sorry for that "twice" - error.
looked for a milonic sample treemenu, is there one?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 0:00:23 GMT
Yes, there is a 'sample' but it's really not a sample, it is from the beta when Andy was first working on it. But, it uses the newest files so just ignore the stuff about version and such.
The one that say treemenu is not really what most have been calling the treemenu, though it really is a real tree menu. It's the collapsible menu that opens straight down that most call by that name and that is the one being used on this site where the problem is.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 0:02:01 GMT

Forgot the link.
Test ....
Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 9:18:25 GMT
downloaded the page and tested without openmenusbyurl.js module. It is still the same.resizing the window and forcing the menu to redraw, corrects its position only. (by clicking the menu again, or by F5). Did not test any other modifications , so far.
Made an interesting observation. When I started the page using a monitor in vertical position [Pivot](1024x1280), resizing the window didn´t do anything strange, everything worked as expected !! (FF 1.5 and IE) It seems, that the position of the left margin will not change, when I´m using that monitor with this resolution.
The page is built using a table 1008px wide and aligned in the center.
With setting that width and the alignment to left
The original line reads as follows
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=1008 align=center bgColor=#ffffff
There please replace the property align=center with
subsequently, the table / menu combination will not deviate from their common " table cell / subcell" , if the window is resized. I could not find the correct way to make the submenu change its position, when the main table is shifted towards the center of the monitor or the other way, when the window is resized.
It might be the architecture of the nested tables, responsible for this, as at some instances, the table width is set to 100% and at other instances, the original width is set to 217 pixels (according to the itemwidth in the menu definition file). But pls. I am not 100% certain about this.
Please as a first aid measure try what I have proposed and see, if it works. Before long the centering of the table too should be enabled ... if some more time is spend for this or if someone has the correct solution.
(I think I would do it by modifying the architecture of the nested tables).
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 16:40:59 GMT
Ok, I've done a few things, I took out <!-- file names --> which were commented out just to be on the safe side. I've fixed the menu table width to 217 so it's not 100% any more.
I cannot change the align=center to align=left, that is the part of design. It's an apporved design by the client and I can't change that. But, you can download the page and work on it locally. I've put up a sample page with a very very simple table with no nested tables, but it's also aligned to center.
The menu still behaves the same. Yes, I did try the align=left and that does fix the problem because when you resize, the menu has no where to go on the left. But I cannot change the approved design. Let me know if I could do anything else.
I'll make a sample page(of this site) in the test folder and post it soon.
Align to left
Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 16:53:41 GMT
ok. will see, what can be done.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 18:33:43 GMT
I've made a page
I've done something worng somewhere and it does not pre-load my transparent image initally. It loads the image when the mouse hovers. I'm sure i've done something wrong as it does not do the same thing for the live site. But, this brings up a very interesting point. When you click services and load all the images by hovering then you see that gap between the menu and submenu that we see in Firefox the first time we open the page. So may be we do need an Image -preloader and that will fix atleast the problem with firefox. Now, is there an image pre-loader by milonics that they like to use with their menus ? Let me know if there is one.
For this page I do have align set to left.
collabse. menu
Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 22:15:41 GMT
tried several modifications, no success !
So, "team members" its your turn.
PS: It looks only as if "the submenu is moving somewhere", the submenu, once opened, and then after resizing the window, does not move at all at first , that is the problem. The rest of the table moves to the center or to the left, depending on the way, the window is resized. Only after an originated redraw (F5 e.g.), the submenu "follows". I do not know how to settle this with a modified command/property. Particularly as the milonic sample
is different, as it is not placed in a table, which is centered ! And therefore cannot be used as an "example of design".
submenu position
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 11:43:52 GMT
found the Fix,
for the testpage it is
with(new menuname("SubServices")){
style = sub1Style;
style = sub1Style;
try to apply it accordingly in your original pages code
[Correct is 291.5 because of (800-217)divided by 2 with
800 representing the table width and 217 the menu width in this case.]
With the original dimensions (1008-217)/2=395
Pls report back, if this does the fix .
Got the idea from
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 14:32:35 GMT
I didnt' get a notice of this post. Strange.
Anyway, I'm so glad you found a solution, because I haven't been able to do it, Michael. Thanks so much for all the help, I sure appreciate it. Here and on all the posts!
Aliasim, there is an image preloading module for the menu. It's on the bolt-on modules page, the first one listed.
collaps. menu
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 14:54:07 GMT
Hi Ruth,
thank you too,
I had benefited so much from your advice too, so it is for me quite normal to give something back.
I found the solution, by studying again the menu properties, (reference guide) finding there the "screenposition" property. But it is not very well explained there.
So I made use of the Search - utility of this site, searching "Screenposition", leading to the source already mentioned. Reading - and the fix was there.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 15:51:48 GMT
Hi Michael,
Well, the solution does work upto some extent. First, I have to use 355 and not 395 becasue Menu is part of the nested table which is 926 in width. SO that worked fine, but still if I make the window half the original size then it moves to the left. Same thing happens for the testpage, I've uploaded our changes
Now what that tells is the menu does not dynamically positions it self if the size of the window is changed and the website is centered. Menu works fine if the website is aligned to left. Secondly, when the menu is inside a table cell then is should not move anyways.
I tried one more thing, If I set the subemenu relative to the main menu rater than absolute(default) then it does not move with the resizing of the window. But, then the sub meu appears below the Main menu which is ofcourse wrong it should stay under "Services".
I really appreciate Michael's effort and time. He's a dedicated user and working like it's his own project. Thanks alot Michael.
I think we can fix it in two ways. First if we can somehow make it appear on the right place when we tell it to set the position relative. Second suggestion is relateated to Michael's fix, If the menu can dynamically position itself if the attribute screenposition is set to center.
Thanks again.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 16:07:58 GMT
I´m sorry but the link does not work
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 16:11:54 GMT
Sorry, I posted my local computer link, here is the weblink
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 17:00:11 GMT
it is still the "old" testpage without any modifications !!??
I´ve downloaded that and do some additional testing, first of all, basically it works, but there is another offset, the standard table uses, but not the menu. have to find out. It might be necessary to call a function at that point to compute the (left) offset. That is necessary only, when the width of the window is less than the width of the table ! It also might be, that this additional offset is different with the type of actual browser.
The "formula" to compute the offset has to be reconsidered:
a) valid as already noted, when the width of the window is exceeding the width of the table
b) different, when the width of the window is less than the width of the table. This "different" has to be computed by the actual width of the window, the table width and the browser dependent offset, I think.
I will look into some publications to trace that. It will be a constant value I think.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 18:33:48 GMT
Sorry, I've been working with too many things at a time, now I have the correct file uploaded but still the problem is same.
Michael you have hit the nail right on the head. Your solution works as long as the window is bigger than the table and you also have an idea to make a formula to compute the offset once the size is smaller. I appreciate our help and I also think that the team members should also be helping by now.
Thanks again for all your effort. Hopeflly we will have a solution soon.
collapsible menu in a table
Poster: Migru
Dated: Monday January 2 2006 - 22:12:09 GMT
Problem not yet solved
It seems, that submenus of a collapsible menu in a table (which is centered) can be positioned only by using the screenposition ="center"; property together with the left="offset=-x"; where x has to be computed reducing the tablewidth by the width of the menu and deviding the result by 2;
When the window is resized, and the width of the window is getting smaller than the width of the table, the positioning of the submenu needs an additional offset to be computed by the difference between table width and available width of the window, not exceeding a minimum value. This should be reported I think, in order to solve that in a general correction of the offset, (for a menu in a table, when the menu is a treemenu/collapsible menu). I am trying to solve that by a corresponding js function. Question: Is there a possibility to solve this in general in one of the coming releases?
test sample with slightly different parameters:
table based colaps. menu, table centered, menu left oriented
Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday January 4 2006 - 18:41:41 GMT
try as follows
set up a .css file, called it margin.css, containing
Include this in your head section with
<link rel="stylesheet" href="margin.css" media="screen">
The code in the testpage , where the table is centered e.g.
<body >
.........milonic files ........
<table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
.........milonic files ........
<table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
and the
main menu (here first 5 lines only)
with(new menuname("main Tree Menu")){
style = tstyle1;
alwaysvisible = 1;
style = tstyle1;
alwaysvisible = 1;
and the menu "Subservices" , here 6 lines only:
with(new menuname("SubServices")){
style = sub1Style;
style = sub1Style;
In my test sample, due to the .css settings, there was no longer a shift of the sub to left or right, when the table was centered and when the window was resized, even to a smaller than the tables size.
PS: test-sample:
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Thursday January 5 2006 - 15:00:07 GMT
Hi Michael,
Well thanks again for all your help. I've tested this locally for the novospa website but cant get it to work. I see your testpage works 95% .. if you make the window very small the menu moves to left by may be 2 or 3 pixels. Can you do just one more thing to see if it will work with my page.
first I have a big table 1000px with 3 columns. and then in the center column I have a 900px table. So the 50px colums on the right an left have images in them. Then the center 900px table is exaclty the same as your entire testpage(800px table).
To test this you dont have to make it 900px, you can make a big table of 1000px and leave 100 px on each side. Then see if i works with your last solution.
Thanks again..
Are we gonna get any help from team members ??
menu of aliasim
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday January 5 2006 - 16:08:54 GMT
Hi aliasim
the problem with the design of your site is, that the menu is not exactly positioned at the border of your table, as it is the case in my sample. That is why css settings will not really do the job, when an additional offset is required for the case, when the width of the window is less than the width of the table and the menu with the table cannot be placed along the margin. I thought even of putting the menu into a file loaded in an additional iframe, and see how and if that is possible and how it works. Because of this, the menu could exactly be positioned at the margin/border of any table cell and it is comparatively easy to place an iframe into the table cell, like the one in my sample. If i find the time, I will try this. An iframe, like a frame/window has its own id and name and can be adressed. But in your design there is no iframe at all. Maybe somebody has a better idea ? You have a license, why don´t you ask for direct support from Milonic, with reference to these posts ? ( /forum/viewtopic.php?t=6757)
With regard to your reflection on
if you make the window very small the menu moves
this is only of a very theoretical value. Who, please, will resize a window that way in order to get information from web-browsing ? And by "nowrap" or similar action, it should be possible to fix it, so that the table will not resize at all, I think that is later on a minor issue.
I stay turned to this too !
Poster: Migru
Dated: Friday January 6 2006 - 19:34:12 GMT
the vertical collapsable menu is now "trapped" in an IFRAME, no movement at all neither to the left nor to the right, just down, where it should be, when the subs are opened.
All menu items target to another iframe .
Everything can be styled. Did not take too much effort into styling, css etc. actual simple colouring is for demonstration purpose only.
Actual treemenu in an IFRAME
Poster: Kristamk2447
Dated: Sunday January 8 2006 - 2:14:23 GMT
Your solution seems to work well. This is great!
Thank you for being so creative and finding a working solution.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Sunday January 8 2006 - 9:41:52 GMT
PS: I have posted some additional information here:
Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday January 10 2006 - 21:33:37 GMT
Hi Aliasim
as a workaround, your problem may be considered as solved !!!
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Tuesday January 10 2006 - 21:53:08 GMT
My site is a coldfusion fusebox 3 site. It's not plain html site. I'm not saying that it's not gonna work for me. But I used these Iframes long long time ago. Can I only use 1 Iframe around my menu and leave everthing else the same? When you go through the site u might notice the banner on the top changes everytime and ofcourse so does the text. Page actually re-loads with parameters and variables. I may not be able to use Iframes.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday January 11 2006 - 0:08:00 GMT
yes you are right,
it is a problem of the design of this site too, reloading a page after each mouse-click creates certain patience, for the visitor of the site as well as for the web-designer. I am preferring sites, where parts of the pages will not change after each mouse-click, making those pages smoother, more pleasant to surf. But this might be my personal taste and not everybodies.
When I look at your design, I think I would do it with even 3 iframes, one for the top-banner, one for the menu and one for the text part. THe menu controlls the text window/frame, loading files....and each of these files, when it is called, may itself call an additional file, just containing the banner to be loaded into the top-iframe. It is most simple. The entire thing could be organised in a table, with two vertical table columns to the right and left etc.
Where is the problem ? Of course I am not really familar with all the details of your site.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Friday January 13 2006 - 16:15:25 GMT
Well, it looks like a simple site but it's a complete Content Management System(CMS). It also has a webstore which will be active very soon with shipping and options and all products. Our client can login and change any page content, banner, add products setup tons of things. This CMS has been designed in Coldfusion Fusebox and we cant make changes to it now. It's already workig for 3 other clients. but they have different menu. When the designer desgiend this for the client they chose to have a collapsible menu and I proposed that we can use Milonics menu it will work fine. Now I'm getting the heat when it's acting funny for "some" visitors.
If I change this to an Iframe now it will have static links and our CMS will lose it's functionality. see what I'm saying. Those pages get all the info from the SQL databse. I'm busy with some other projects and not getting time for this one. But I will soon work on this one. I've also been told by my boss to look for some other collapsible menu if milonics cant get it solved. Team members dont look interested. On the other hand I really really really appreciate all your work and all that you have been doing to help. There are not many people like you out there.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Friday January 13 2006 - 16:50:03 GMT
no impatience please,
I´m sure, before long there will be a solution.
(Please remember, the "team members" are not employees of Milonic) They are users, as you and me, though they are certainly more familiar with the system, as they are much longer using it and working on many different versions. You can only gain experience by doing things over a long period.
So wait and see, in one of the next updates, that problem will be settled. I am confident.
For me I found that workaround, and I am already using it (not yet on any site/page published) But it works fine in my working environment.
By the way, this "static links"you mentioned, I do not very well understand, because in an Iframe, in general, you can put a file "file001.html" containing the menu only, and then it even does not work relative. The iframe itself can be addressed to put in whatever you want, may be even a complete different menu "file999.html". And I do not see, why one of these files might get its information by a database.... Of course, such an object needs general support in the system and when its not supported by your CMS you might not get it to work in a correct way. And. I certainly should not forget, it depends on the overall-design.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Friday January 13 2006 - 17:06:22 GMT
Like I said I'm not too fimiliar with Iframes, I did use it though. Over the weekend I'll test If I can use only 1 Iframe to have the menu inside it and not use it relative to other window. It might work.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday January 13 2006 - 21:53:19 GMT
Have you contacted Milonic for suport on this? I believe you have a professional menu. Try filling out a support ticket on the main site.
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Saturday January 28 2006 - 17:18:00 GMT
Hi Ruth,
Now I need to fix this menu. It does not let me fill out a support ticket. What do I do now ? Here is what I get
Account Number: 1xxxxxx
Support Level: Low
Valid Until: Not Applicable with [-1] Days Remaining
Name on Account: Ali Qureshi
Email Address: ali __at__
Registered Website:
No Support Available
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Saturday January 28 2006 - 17:20:26 GMT
I did they Iframes but my whole site needs to refesh and it is still not working. If I use I frame only around the menu then it opens up pages in that small window. It's ColdFusion CMS and not a simple html site.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Saturday January 28 2006 - 17:32:12 GMT
Hi aliasim,
have a look at where - at the moment I have set up a testpage which uses an iframe for the menu (left hand) and targets the output into another iframe (right hand). whereas two more iframes are on top, in order to exchange the banner on top and/or the small banner top left.
Though the page is in German, you will understand how it works. Click e.g. on 3. and then on 3.3, after that 7. and after that on 7.3 etc.
At the moment I am expanding the table to the bottom and to the right, in order to set up background images into these cells (looking like drop shadows).
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday January 28 2006 - 19:13:48 GMT
aliasim99 wrote:
Now I need to fix this menu. It does not let me fill out a support ticket. What do I do now ? Here is what I get
Valid Until: Not Applicable with [-1] Days Remaining
Valid Until: Not Applicable with [-1] Days Remaining
That seems to be saying your licensed support and upgrade has expired. The support and upgrade is valid for one year from date of purchase. You are of course entitled to use the forum, but to continue with actual Milonic support you would need to renew that.
If your support period is not expired, you'll need to contact Milonic directly about the problem.
Another Issue
Poster: aliasim99
Dated: Saturday January 28 2006 - 21:41:16 GMT
Hmm.. There is onother issue with the menu. Now if I click any of the top level menu items, they open up in a new page, really wierd. No, I do not have target = blank for them. only one PDF link is suppose to open in a new page. Any ideas ?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday January 28 2006 - 22:22:31 GMT
I'm not getting any page opening in a new window IE5.5, NN 7.1, FF1.0.2.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday January 31 2006 - 19:21:45 GMT
New pages...
yes, using IE 6 --> new pages are opened !!!
Though I have found a solution, working together with IFRAMES, it seems, that the positioning of submenus within the tree is still working only without problems, when the menu is left oriented.